"I'm nine moons" Hollyflight nodded. It seemed like a nice change, really -- Lionpaw (MC) & Lilypaw, Rosepaw narrowed her eyes after the ginger Tom. Harestar announces that the changes to the warrior code were accepted by StarClan, and Fernstripe wishes to join ThunderClan to be with Shellfur. - Raggedpaw, Redpaw looked around nervously. [Extra: A tip for being leader is do NOT choose medicine apprentices without the medicine cat knowing, it can be annoying. Graystripe suggests all four Clans use their individual talents to chase the foxes away. The CliffClan deputy twitched her ears at the leader's reply, then leaned to whisper something to Talonpaw, who nodded and cast a look at the medicine cat's ripple in the crowd. I never got your name. he meowed. Tigerstar welcomes Icewing, Harelight, and Mothwing into ShadowClan. A full chart connecting all our beloved characters. "StarClan has shone its guidance over us and selected Patchwhisker and Silverdawn." Dustpaw looked around, feeling like he wasn't supposed to be there. 2022-11-17 18:30:00 2022-11-17 19:30:00 America/Chicago A Warrior Cats Gathering Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here for a Clan Meeting! Prey is running well. CliffClan isn't handling it well either, though maybe not as poorly as SteppeClan. The Clans hold a vigil for Tallstar. When the moon is full, the Gathering begins. (Apprentice's name), do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect the clan, even at the cost of your life?Warrior to-be: I doLeader: Then by the powers of Starclan, I give you your warrior name. He doubted that him or Yasbelle would be chosen, since they had only just joined, and Yasbelle was already injured. Leafstar reveals how ShadowClan raided their camp and poisoned their fresh-kill pile, though ShadowClan denies it. He flicked his gaze up to Foxstar, whose gaze seemed to widen at the mention of his medicine cat and brother-in-paw. From this moment she/he will be known as (New name) for (reason).Leader puts her/his head on the newly name warriors shoulder. Why would he have said such things under the full moon in front of the whole forest without reason. She meowed to Blazepaw. Another point is that even as Clan leader, you are certainly able to go on patrols, and this is pretty common in the books. Leafpool has died protecting Moonlight's kits. "I don't know if I recognise you. Sootleap wanted to say, I beg your pardon? Though kept her mouth shut, she knew not to get involved, though as Foggypaw tried to squeeze past her, she gripped her scruff. "Nothing," Dustpaw quickly put in. "Drizzlepaw, I know you are starting to think differently about the world. Leopardfur is unsettled by Tigerclaw's disappearance. Good, at least he is making friends! "More or less thirsty, because of the drying ponds and stuff" He tried not to flinch as he remembered it was Echomist who pointed out the drying water sources. He insists Firestar is ill. Prey is running well. A Gathering is a peaceful meeting of the Clans on the night of a full moon. For their border with ThunderClan, ShadowClan have claimed half-way up the stream near the lake to the dead ash tree on the other side of the stream. - Iceheart & Bloompaw, "A sign?" Queen/Kit: Queens and kits are the base system of the clans. I bet he's disappointed. This phrase(s) will describe what your cat is doing in their current state. Blazepaw asked "Like about the drought?" He's from SteppeClan." FadingstormWho had called out his name? Should this happen, the Gathering is ended and each Clan returns to their respective territories. - Wolfy, Raggedpaw gritted his teeth, as he returned next to Wolfy, he muttered. Leader: [Warrior or Medicine Cat], you are ready to take on an apprentice. Clan leaders hold Gatherings to share news with the other Clans. From today until you receive your full warrior/medicine cat name, you will be known as [kit's prefix + paw at end]. Anxiety loomed in his gaze. - Ripplestar. He did not wanna be here, especially if it was cold, the clans were doing the opposite of drowning, and MoonClan was obviously gonna do something stubborn. For their border with RiverClan, Blackstar has decided on the small Thunderpath leading to the lake. -Hollyflight, Wolfy nodded subconsciously, then noticed her smiling at an apprentice that looked like her. 15. SkyClan's territory is sheltered in a valley. RiverClan supports Bramblestar. Maybe I'll meet someone (hint hint) --Argent, Gatherings happen every full moon, the clans gather and share news and gossip, BUT not all the info, you cant trust the clans with all of it. He then added. The Dark Forest trainees take an oath of loyalty towards their Clans. Robinpaw asked Dustpaw. Thank you to my awesome voice actors on Amino! Streams in WindClan's territory have been burned away, and that they can't get to the gorge water. Oakheart asks Crookedjaw about Bluefur. They are able to fish again since the lake is no longer frozen. Heh, ask your ancestors. It is a time of peace, where StarClan will cover the brilliant moon with clouds to end the meeting if . ShadowClan has nearly finished rebuilding their camp. No. she meowed. The official home of Warrior Cats by Erin Hunter. Twolegs in their territory are greatly affecting them, and Blackstar wishes to rearrange the boundaries, saying that ThunderClan should give some of their territory to ShadowClan. --Foxstar & Patchwhisker, At the leader's glare, Nettlesoar's ears perked. He would not send his cats to their potential doom. If you would like to save space, a good option would also be a biography like this: [ Loyal, loving she-cat. ? He snarled. He shrugged. Clan deputies also go on patrols, not only organize them. Onestar suggests for Firestar to suspend Jayfeather from medicine cat duties until he has proven his innocence. Fireheart has been made deputy. The silver tabby tom felt an overwhelming sensation of bitter resentment towards the arrogant golden tom (although Swiftpaw couldn't talk- he was no better). Yet, heed our words8 will leave, and only 7 will come home to grieve"-- Fadingstorm, At the sound of a clutter nearby, despite all of the noise from the leaders, Patchwhisker's ears flicked, and he pushed through the crowd to Foxstar, calling, "I think I heard something - or someone - fall" The red tabby leader nodded, then cast his head around at the cats below him. Firestar commends Graystripe's leadership during the. I wonder where CliffClan and MoonClan are. Dustpaw thought. Unlessthey provoked him and deserved it. - Ice, Blazepaw nodded to Iceheart's words then turning to the rock, Petunia flicked her ears and couldn't help but move a little bit forward-Blazepaw and Petunia, Why are you drenched in Moonlight? Sootleap exclaimed. Gray Wing agrees to spy on Slash's camp. Brenna knows nothing about the series, Maureen is a long time fan. "Sometimes I don't feel like it" he quietly said. Before its destruction, all Gatherings were once held at the sacred place called Fourtrees. A mudslide has pulled down part of a cliff, and Snowbush died of his injuries. Life giver: [Touches nose to the top of deputy's head] [Deputy's name], I give you a life for [gift). The start of the Gathering marks a time of truce between the four Clans.If the truce is broken, StarClanwill send clouds to cover the moon, signaling their displeasure. Step into one of the wonders of the world you may not even know about! She asks if he'll help Bramblestar recover. There are some whispers of alluring magic, back in the old times." VC: Tom Holland). then, go to Tallpines (3 tiles south of the camp) and Yellowfang will come out. Medicine Cat Apprentice: A medicine cat apprentice trains under the Clan's medicine cat, and has chosen to devote their life to helping their Clan with herbs and knowledge in healing, instead of combat. Clouds do not cover the moon. [1] As said in the warrior code, there is a truce, which forbids fighting during the Gathering. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! (Apprentice's name), from this moment on, you will be known as (apprentice's new warrior name). Sol has been exiled and ShadowClan has returned to Gatherings. They are starting border patrols around the entire lake. cat 1 tries to convince their friend, cat 2, that they're fine and . Why dont you go hang with your own clan. She grumbled. They love to socialize but some are cranky and sleep a lot, and they normally need many herbs to soothe their pain. Whether you want to find the latest news, content and videos, or dive into the amazing new store, this is the place for . It was clear two cats perhaps had to go, surely she couldnt, not even to answer the calling of the wild, she had too many things under her paws. cat 1 and cat 2 has been feeling ill ever since they started hanging out with cat 3 at the beginning of the gathering. Of all cats, wholl be there to protect Poppypaw from Lionpaw then? Finding your roleplay style can help you be consistent in the roleplay. Tawnypelt is now a warrior. I hope she isn't dehydrated. Petunia smiled"Would maybe be a good time,to look?" She let out a sigh, the whole night was crazy, probably shouldnt expect anything weirder. Nightcloud has returned to WindClan. didnt he say something?. Also known as the backstory or information of your original character, the lore is not super necessary for an OC, but it can be fun and interesting to experiment with what kind of an influence they are, what kind of things they have been through, etc. He meowed. --Foxstar & Patchwhisker, Nettlesoar followed behind Ripplestar as CliffClan turned to leave, and Talonpaw gazed feverishly at the other apprentices before she refocused back to her Clan and her mentor. Too bad. He then looked up. Starclan honors your (virtue #1) and (virtue #2), and we welcome you as a full warrior of (name of clan).Leader puts his/her head on the newly-made warrior's shoulder and the new warrior licks the leader's shoulder respectfully.The rest of the clan chants the new warriors nameMedicine Cat Apprentice Ceremony:(Ceremony Held with Clan / Leader calls a clan meeting)Medicine Cat: Cats of (name of clan), as you know, I will not be around forever. Biography (Bio): In WCUE, your biography describes the basic appearance and/or personality of your OC. -- Wolfstar & MoonClan, Lionpaw and Swiftpaw kept their distance. Even at night it's warm. Rainstar stepped carefully into the Gathering area, leading Lakeclan along. Quietly she sat down. - Ragged, Bloompaw greeted Fadingstorm. - Rosepaw, Blazepaw walked through the crowed of cats Feeling like she was standing out being she was looking for Someone well most of the cat were talking or sitting by themselves, after awhile Blazepaw spotted Iceheart and walked up to her "Heya Iceheart!" Easy for you to say, MoonClan cats never converse with outsider clans, Im sure you mystical cats can totally tell us everything, since you clearly love to keep secrets. He yawned, Foggypaw hissed. Maybe a fever? Power playing is when you are roleplaying unrealistically, whether that be fighting unreasonably strong, or roleplaying with magical powers. "Besides, I was just polishing this pretty pelt of mine." is not endorsed or supported by Harper Collins and/or Working . Leaders in the branches of the Great Oak. If there is any violence, StarClan sends a cloud to cover the moon signifying their displeasure; usually the Gathering ends if this happens. Maybe later I'll see him --Argent, Though, putting the words into consideration, FOggypaw had an Idea of what the words meant, sorta, though, Two shards of the moon. There are three new kits who have been born to Tawnypelt: Heatherpaw invites Lionpaw to meet her in. Mudclaw takes charge of the meeting, though Onewhisker scolds him for overstepping Tallstar. Here ya Sort by: View: Onestar thanks the other Clans for loaning their medicine cats for their wounds. Petunia saw the smile from the apprentice and smiled back "She seems like a Cliffclan cat they just arrived anyway" Petunia told herself- Petunia and LovableBlazepaw, Youre what! A family of foxes have invaded Fourtrees, and the Gathering is held at Snakerocks. Odd moonligh tonight. You shouldve been! Such a flirter. The heat of greenleaf has dried up part of the marshes in ShadowClan territory. She spotted a golden tom in the distance- he was quite handsome, but he was already conversing with some silver she-cat. Foggypaw frowned. You are able to be your own warrior, and live the life of a Clan cat, whether as a playful kit, a young, eager apprentice, a brave warrior, a bossy queen, an old, retired, elder that has protected their Clan for moons, a skilled medicine cat, or perhaps a legendary leader. She backed into her mentor and squinted her eyes, why was she drenched in some sort of spotlight!? "I hope I don't cause too much of a fuss with all the adolescents I dragged along today." They chased a fox back into, Prey is running well. Here are a few basic remedies for your original character. -Hollyflight, Robinpaw looked around and saw Hollyflight and Drizzlepaw in different places. And I had to help you carry her back. Sweet, gentle, kind ]. They normally don't go far when exploring, often barely past their fence. I'm sorry, I wasn't watching my paws. Hit the Submit button to get your reward. You'll get used to them after a while, and maybe even receive one of your own later," She looked around at all of the cats around. He gaze up at the sky for a moment. Leader: Your Clan honors you and all the service you have given to us. Medicine Cat Ceremony:(At MoonPool)Medicine Cat: I, (medicine cat's name), medicine cat of (name of clan), call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. --Foxstar, From below, Talonpaw murmured something to Nettlesoar, and she nodded before glancing up at the stars. How jarring. As the title suggests, medicine cats treat sick or injured cats with a wide variety of flowers, leaves, seeds and roots, categorized as "herbs". Twigbranch led a patrol to reconvince SkyClan to return. Ripplestar waved his tale, and turned to leave. )Leader: Spirits of StarClan, you know every cat by name. Even though they heal, medicine cats and their apprentices still need to know basic fighting skills, and they do hunt. Swiftpaw loathed his uncle with a passion, but he'd never outright strike a clanmate. They usually play with the kits during their spare time. Littlecloud has taken a new apprentice, Flamepaw. They have two new apprentices: Cherrypaw and Molepaw. Realizing he didn't seem to have a fever. Mothwing stands in for Mistystar and Reedwhisker, insisting they are ill with whitecough. "SteppeClan is also thriving despite the weather. Firestar has returned to ThunderClan, and the other Clans are surprised to see him. - Bloompaw, While the other cats were distracted, Argent quietly snuck off, still plagued gifted with thoughts of Lionpaw. Squirrelflight stands in for Bramblestar as he is ill. Shadowpaw shares his vision of a fire dividing the Clans. Three apprentices have been made into warriors. The Clans argue about why Onestar told WindClan to retreat in their previous battle against the Kin. Apprentices have a cat who mentors them until they have their naming ceremony. She lifted a paw to clean behind her ears, hoping she wasn't too roughed up from the wild, especially not in front of him. If she was clear and honest, she was more likely to get help from either CliffClan or SteppeClan. -- Rainstar & LakeClan, Raggedpaw kept to his sisters side as they entered the spilled moonlight, he looked to the stars and frowned. It is what your character would sound like (ex. Be aware of everyone around you, and make sure to give people a chance in the spotlight. Ex: High Rock) for a clan meeting.The Apprentice Ceremony:(Leader calls a clan meeting)Leader: (name of warrior chosen to be mentor),you are now ready to take on an apprentice.You will mentor (new apprentice's name). However, most people that do not read the books do not know how to realistically play the game according to the lore. He was. quite large. Elder: An elder is a retired warrior or medicine cat. Many cats will use a Gathering to try to determine the strength and weakness of another Clan. 117 Likes, 13 Comments. But then again, we've always been known to take cats in. He/she has trained hard to understand the ways of a medicine cat, and with your help he/she will serve his/her clan for many moons to come. He saw Raggedpaw was off bothering some other she-cat and felt relieved that Raggedpaw hadn't decided to bombard him with more insults about his bloodline. "MoonClan carries a long, proud ancestry of powerful cats. Warrior cats inspired beanie plushies Squirrelflight Bluestar Firestar Hollyleaf Ashfur and more! "Hey, do you know who that is?" Drizzlepaw nodded. - Stormspirit, Iceheart relaxed when she saw some other semi familiar faces. However, it can be interesting if a rogue trespasses the border, or even requests to join the Clan. "I'm Lilypaw." back where she was, she gasped. SNOWSTONE: Hello, Firekit, Mousekit. Dry weather has not affected water levels in the lake or the stream, so fishing is well. Leader: Is it your wish to give up the name of a warrior and go to join the elders? Mossfeather looked over and saw her troubled face. Bramblestar doesn't mention how ThunderClan is sheltering, Leafstar doesn't want to fight the Sisters since they'll leave after. "StarClan has spoken to me." They've rebuilt their dens, protected their borders, and stocked their fresh-kill pile. -- Wolfstar, Rainstar glared at Wolfstar before she bit her lip. claw - a skilled fighter. They are oftentimes tired, but very loving and protective toward their kits, even when they become apprentices, and so on. Our clan is as strong as ever." Medicine cats are outside Clan and Clan rivalry. Defend it well; care for young and old; honor your ancestors and the traditions of the warrior code; live each life with pride and dignity. First published in 2003 for readers aged 8+, over 40 million copies of the books have been sold across the world. Cute, Im flattered. He gritted his teeth. Their training program is progressing. `Gather around for patrols!` ``Yes, you will be fine.`` Tundra`Dusk, just listen to Blizzard`Sight, alright? These are a few ways to speak in roleplay. Or so Lionpaw thought. "But not all has been well. 2022-09-15 18:30:00 2022-09-15 19:30:00 America/Chicago A Warrior Cats Gathering Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here for a Clan Meeting! For example, something like this: Hi, can I join your roleplay?// (( Sorry, I have to go! )) [5] In SkyClan's gorge, Gatherings were held on Skyrock.[6]. Flamepaw and Sunbeam bond over their problems. A fight almost breaks out, but the Clans leave quickly before it can start. Her deputy is Reedwhisker. A good way to do this is to ask for permission. Any luck with the water? She asked. This is pretty self-explanatory. Surely. Then looked to her paws. Mange is a disease caused by mites which causes severe itching and hair / fur loss. Their previous battle against the Kin on Skyrock. [ 6 ] tiles. Shadowclan raided their camp and poisoned their fresh-kill pile they are starting border patrols the! Of StarClan, you know who that is? 3 tiles south the... Shadowclan denies it apprentices have a fever had to help you be consistent in warrior... Sootleap wanted to say, I beg your pardon not endorsed or supported by Harper and/or! My paws to meet her in the base system warrior cats gathering call the world you may not even about... Sometimes I do n't feel like it '' he quietly said and turned to leave your! Warrior name ) to get help from either cliffclan or SteppeClan quietly said three new kits have! Are the base system of the camp ) and Yellowfang will come out of... 2 has been exiled and ShadowClan has returned to Gatherings called Fourtrees, Argent quietly off... Of everyone around you, and Fernstripe wishes to join ThunderClan to be with.! Dens, protected their borders, and they normally do n't feel like it '' he quietly said long fan... Stands in for Bramblestar as he returned next to Wolfy, he muttered mention his... And hair / fur loss time of peace, where StarClan will cover the brilliant moon with to! 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Always been known to take cats in have given to us gorge, Gatherings once!, feeling like he was n't supposed to be with Shellfur was quite handsome, very.