The du Pont Family - A Dynasty Of Satanic Royalty Posted on April 18, 2020 by Louis Payseur John Coleman, a researcher on the elite, commented to me that when he had researched the Queen of Denmark, he had discovered that the royal danish family were slipping away secretly from everyone and were going to Satanic rituals. A POWDERMAN BECOMES DIRECTOR OF THE NATIONAL BANK. When France invaded Portugal, the royal family fled to Brazil, where the queen died in 1816. It's an extremely rare circumstance that prison serves the inmate well, Delaware public defender Brendan ONeill told The News Journal. Only the Dow Chemical Company is any competition with the DuPont chemical operation. Forbes definitive ranking of the nations 50 wealthiest clans includes the heirs to some of the countrys best known brands: Campbells Soup, Jack Daniels, Walmart and Chick-fil-A. The army and navy convinced them to Implement a contract with the Coopal Co. in Belgium for smokeless powder, which when the formula was received was found to be inferior to what the American were already producing. L.H eislerB all ( 190345,1 919-25) also served state treasurer Freemason. [7] The family is depicted in the 2014 biographical film Foxcatcher, with Steve Carell playing John Eleuthre du Pont and Vanessa Redgrave playing Jean du Pont, the wife of William du Pont Jr. As of 2016, the family fortune was estimated at $14.3 billion, spread across more than 3,500 living relatives.[3]. Two years later, the decomposing body of a Las Vegas prostitute was found stuffed in the air conditioner of a seedy motel. These other families are known to be involved with the Illuminati and Satanism. Last edited on 20 September 2022, at 01:12, Nemours Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children, List of DuPont historic sites along Delaware Route 141, "John E. du Pont, Heir Who Killed an Olympian, Dies at 72", "Du Pont heir convicted of rape spared prison", "Conservancy gains easement Winterthur's pastoral beauty is now protected", "The Brandywine Conservancy: Preserving Nature, Art, and History", "Delaware's First State National Monument", "Marion duPont Scott Equine Medical Center". He spoke of "God" but he meant nature's deistic God, not a personal God. There was one piece of equipment noticeably missing from FoxcatcherFarm's state-of-the-art training facility: the treadmill. In 1981, Ed Bail died. Several satanic groups are in the Gates, OR area. I believe he was protected because DuPont was part of the Inner Satanic hierarchy. Its interesting that the Physiocrats journal was Les Ephmrides du Citoyen. Unlike most of his family members, Alfred I. duPont, who died in 1935, was not buried at the duPont family cemetery. He also wears the rosette of an Officier de Ia Lgion d Honneur. A very secret body of 300 key Freemasons ruled France secretly during this period according to the Autobiography of Wolfe Tone (pub. Victor Marie and his father pursued grandiose schemes that tailed miserably, Eleuthre lrne DuPont started a gunpowder business in Delaware. They are 1. lateral thinking; 2. metaphoric thinking; 3. posItive thinking (this is also called visualization-or in the occult witchcraft); 4. assocIation trigger; 5. rapturing and interpreting dreams. They already have plants in a number of South American countries, Mexico, Canada, US., Korea, Japan; and several European nations. A christian brother who works for the DuPonts in Tennessee has been secretly undermining the efforts of the DuPont company leaders to turn the workers into New Agers. On Jan. 1, 1769 Pierre Samuel DuPont took over the journals management. They bemoan the idea of a Satanic conspiracy, they claim there is no proof all the while it is all around them! Shapiro was a member of Carters Advisory Council on Japan-US. But more than that, it's a story of transformation. This is a process that the Illuminati want to implement to further take us into a total slave state. I could understand why, but only If the stated purposes were not the whole story. Once people begin to really catch on to things, they will begin to detect things all around that are happening in regards to the NWO. And more! Where his money came from is somewhat of a mystery. Richardsagain, accused of raping two of his own childrenwas released on $60,000 bail and eventually copped a plea deal that involved him admitting he had abused his children, but receiving the lesser charge of fourth-degree rape. He spoke of God but he meant natures deistic God, not a personal God. THE NEXT GENERATION Pierre Samuels grandchildren. N.Y. Equitable Life Assurance company undoubtedly brought Coleman in touch with other Illuminati elite. Many of the high ranking Masons who were also officers in the Revolution were Original Members. In 1913, Alfred at one point letting his rage get the better of him, got the Delaware legislature to pass a special law changing his first wifes sons name to spite his first wife. Lewis family was very upset that he was helping the enemy, and they got a judge to rule that Lewis was incompetent to handle his financial affairs, and the court declared that Lewis can have on $15,000 per/? Richard R. Kenney (Sen. 1897- 1901), Freemason, also adj. They were seen as equal to the Rockefeller and Vanderbilt family, and by the 1920s were Americas richest dynasty. Further secrecy has been obtained by working through trusted proxies. Pres. T. Coleman has been mentioned already in connection to the Du Pont Gunpowder Business, which he ran for a number of years as head honcho. The location (named Eleutherian Mills) provided all the necessities to operate the mill: a water flow sufficient to power it, available timber (mainly willow trees) that could be turned into charcoal fine enough to use for gunpowder, and close proximity to the Delaware River to allow for shipments of sulfur and saltpeter, the other ingredients used in the manufacture of gunpowder. Mrs. Cazenove Lee, Jr. got a letter mentioning Mummys powers too.). Creative Commons License. So, here are 8 terrific destinations that are an easy drive (4 hours or less) from Manhattan. Amid safety concerns, and anxiety over the fate of a $200 million movie, How Screwed Are Donald Trump and His Adult Children, and Other Questions You Might Have About the Staggering Fraud Lawsuit Against Them. Some of the children had low-slung ears or misaligned eyes as a result of inbreeding and they look decades older than their actual age. 1883-87) Freemason, BenjaminT .Briggs ( Gov.1 887-1891) Freemason, Pierre Samuel duPont, IV ( 1977- ) also U.S.Representative, and other gov. [14], Beginning with William du Pont, Jr. and his sister, Marion duPont Scott, many members of the Du Pont family have been involved in the breeding and racing of thoroughbred racehorses, as well as establishing racehorse venues and training tracks, including Delaware Park and Fair Hill, MD. He was one of the Freemasons involved in a high level meeting that used the U.S. Senate Chambers on Mar. With the help of Christians in the plant, this Christian brother finds out what is planned, and then does his homework so that he can proof to the workers how New Age ideas are being brought in to subvert their thinking. Feb 16, 2017 It's a huge home in a small state. Also lets face it evidence is boring. The War of the Antichrist with the Church, DuPont Heir Admitted in Court to Have Raped His Children for Years, but Received NO JAIL Time, 13 Satanic Bloodlines That Rule the World, Documenting Illegal-Immigrant Pedophile Crimes (Interview), The Eulogy of Queen Elizabeth II That You Wont See On Your TV, World Economic Forum: There Are Rational Reasons to Microchip Your Child, World Economic Forum Calls for Merging of Human and AI Intel to Censor Hate Speech & Misinformation, Exposing the Agenda to Implement Global Totalitarianism Based on Technocratic & Transhumanist Ideologies, Declassified Document Reveals the US Government Discovered an Ancient Martian Race, Fauci Paid $453K to Make Primates Transgender, George Soros Chief Mission is the Downfall of America, Journalist Peter Hitchens: Wrecking the Economy and the State-sponsored Panic Killed More People Than Covid, The Encounter of a US Army Officer With Blue-Skinned Andromedans, World Economic Forum Reveals Plan to Block Out the Sun With Space Bubbles, The War of Inversion: An All-Out Assault Against Humanity, Greenpeace Founder Patrick Moore Says Climate Change Based On False Narratives, Swedish Government Grants $175,000 to Fund Drag Queen Shows for Children, Reporter Uncovers Manson Family Connections to CIAs MK Ultra Mind Control and Hollywood Child Trafficking, Austin, TX: Pro-LGBTQP Curriculum Will Teach Third-graders How to Have Anal Sex (Public Education Becomes Pedophilia Indoctrination), 460,000 Missing Children in the USA Each Year While the Entire Dinosaur Media Protects Pedophiles, New Book Exposes Obamas Youth: He Considered a Gay Fling, Had COCAINE With a White Girl, Proposed Twice to Another, and CHEATED on Michelle Before They Married, 11,000 Scientists Sign Paper: Humans Are Bad Because They Eat Meat and Engage in Transportation, Saying Its Okay to be White is Now Considered a HATE CRIME in America. The December 8 auction being held under state and city pandemic guidelines will include several notable sapphires, signed jewels from several important private collections and 15 art objects by contemporary high jewelry artist, Daniel Brush. Only recently have scholars been permitted to poke around in family papers. Denise Magnani, The Winterthur Garden: Henry Francis du Pont's Romance with the Land (Wilmington: Harry N. Abrams and The Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum, Inc., 1995). He also lists a home in the exclusive North Shores neighborhood near Rehoboth Beach, according to the state's sex abuse registry. Thats over 200 years ago. For centuries they have wielded political influence, playing a role in historic events like the Louisiana purchase.. In that way we should be sure of honesty of soul and purity of blood." Unless a person has the correct blood he or she will not rise to the highest levels of Satanism. 1844-??) There were also nearby stone quarries to provide needed building materials.[8]. They numbered over 100. For 70 years, American Heritage has been the leading magazine of U.S. history, politics, and culture. I had it, so I decided to give it, on the chance someone might use it. The DuPonts had friends in various places that helped them in numerous ways, getting financing, business, land, etc. Or in the words of someone else to focus resources on businesses where each can develop stronger global positions. (See Economist, 10/3/,92, p.76) The swap will give DuPont 43% of the European market for nylon fibers used to manufacture carpets. During the War of 1812, the DuPont gunpowder factory since it was the primary American powder company was the known target for the British to destroy. All three Bouviers were very proud of their memberships and would proudly display their boutonnieres on their labels showing membership. With few competitors the company grew quickly, and by the mid 1800s they were rich. Either way it always led to disastrous consequences, to the point it was almost synonymous with tragedy. Was Tiffany involved? Both families were close friends with Thomas Jefferson and Albert Gallatin, I have concluded that both Thomas Jefferson and Albert Gallatin were Illuminati. of State. I also checked out a book Alfred I. The article states that DuPont has been a leading supplier for advanced US military programs. Alfred (known as Fred) had been in business in Louisville, KT and was widely known in the area as a philanthropist. In recent years, the family has continued to be known for its association with political and business ventures, as well as philanthropic causes. This has been admitted by the company. Many of the executives are men whose philosophy of life matches the duPonts. In the late '70s, du Pontalmost shot a 12-year-old boy on his property. Pierre-Samuel du Pont ( q.v. THIS is the "world's most inbred family" with four generations of incest -including at least 14 kids with parents all related to each other. The correct variations in spelling the Du Pont name are as follows: Dupont, DuPont, du Pont, duPont, Du Pont, and du Pont de Nemours. Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis (ex-wife to both J.F.K. The american government had seized the German Dye Trust, and the DuPonts were given their patents. SENATORS OF DELAWARE (alphabetical order of surnames). 16. His wife Meta organized a Swedenborg church in town. Firstly, it is known that close kin marriages such as. After his arrest, he had all of thebuildings on his propertyspray-painted black. It's exclusive not because they want to keep others out, but to keep their inbreds locked in. Sitting down to write about the du Ponts reminded me of two other families. I also left out a great deal of the inside story on the politicking that has gone on in Delaware this century. It is hard to read the history of America since 1800 without running into du Ponts. In many publications, the styling is "du Pont" when quoting an individual's full name and "Du Pont" when speaking of the family as a whole, although some individual Du Ponts have chosen to style it differently, such as Samuel Francis Du Pont. He was recalled by Vergennes to assist in negotiating with England the treaty to accord independence to the U.S. in 1789 he was a member of the States. Today, a key proxy is the jew Irving Saul Shapiro. In non-nobiliary form, the prevalent French styling of the name is "Dupont", and thus the choice by Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours to begin styling himself so during the monarchical era hints at social ambition. Really quiet there. He grew up in one of the richest families in America - the du Ponts made their fortune in gunpowder - and that privilege may have shielded him from suspicion of mental instability for years. Du Pont family patriarch Irenee du Pont is his great grandfather. John Lawrence was One reaction to my duPont article was that someone whose mother-in-law works for the duPonts in Pennsylvania asked a few questions and found out that her mother-in-law is an actual witch (I dont mean as in an old hag I mean is in witchcraft). There is a connection to the Society of the Cincinatti with this family too. We must end with the direct statement that the Du Ponts today rule Delaware with an Iron hand, that their interests affect the daily lives of each one of us in some way, and that the Family moves on. John Eleuthre du Pont was convicted of murdering wrestling coach Dave Schultz in 1996,[6] and Robert H. Richards IV was convicted of raping his 3-year-old daughter in 2009. This is because the deists like Jefferson and Du Pont believed Nature was the highest God. He believed nature was a higher God than his mechanical deist God. Apparently, they lost some money already in that regards. Around the CIvil War times, the DuPonts became less identified with Deism and more Identified with the Episcopal church. Eleuthere I. du Pont sits on DuPont's board of directors. If that isn't enough reason to put them on your watch list, here are 11 more. Data on inbreeding in several contemporary human populations are compared, showing the highest local rates of inbreeding to be in Brazil, Japan, India, and Israel. In 1916, after successfully blocking his uncle Henry A. duPont from being reelected, Alfred duPont bought control of 9 Delaware newspapers. Stories of eugenics, inbreeding, and Satanism abound. But theres a big difference between protective custody or solitary confinement in prison, and walking free after being convicted of raping your daughter and admitting to assaulting your son. I and was on board several ships. At one point he directly told his family: The marriages that I should prefer for our colony would be between the cousins. Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours was the son of a Parisian watchmaker and a member of a Burgundian Huguenot family, and descendant of a minor noble family on his mother's side. The Brandywine Conservancy founded by family member George Alexis Weymouth owns around 2,350 acres (951ha) of land in Pennsylvania and Delaware, and owns permanent conservation easements on an additional 37,000 acres (14,973ha). William du Pont (1855-1928) was trapped in a marriage with a duPont cousin, May du Pont, that he ditnt want to be married to. It is also noteworthy that 5 modern kings of Denmark have been the leaders of Freemasonry in Denmark, and the Danish royal family, princes etc. Resides in Wilmington, DE Metropolitan Area. He became a key leader in France advocating a new order. Some of Du Ponts research la in risky areas, that means that it is difficult to see how the research can financially benefit the company. Founded in 1926, DuPont Pioneer is a large U.S. producer of hybrid seeds for agriculture. It was state-of-the-art technology, and they supplied manpower to help get started. His narrow-minded, backward and authoritarian thinking ran the DuPont company into the ground in spite of their control of the gunpowder market. Eleuthre lrne du Pont had a daughter Sophie Madeleine du Pont (1810-1888). Lewis Dupont Smith did get a sentence left in what was shown on T.V. Blood is believed to carry the occult power. In order to rearrange the world into the New Order, a number of items and stages needed to occur. have been active Masons. Pierres mother taught him to be a medium with spirits, but early on Pierre had to deny it publicly. It is said they would kidnap poor children from poor villages, to serve as an offering to Satan and that many of the Dupont estates were eventually gifted to the cult, most of which now lie abandoned. Joanna Smith DuPont was Instrumental in this change. Du Pont is now in the process of becoming totally global. One defense lawyer gave the following assessment to The News Journal: Who thrives in jail?. The heirs to one of America's oldest corporations, chemical company DuPont, number approximately 4,000. The Society of Cincinnati favored a very strong central government, a national bank, etc. He was initially charged with two counts of second-degree child rape, which would have carried a mandatory 20-year prison term if convicted. Pierre Samuel was a key figure in attempts to create a national education system in both Poland and the new U.S. A national education system was a Masonic/illuminati goal to control education and take it out of the hands of sincere Christians. The people at the plant were to all be sent to the Pecos River Training by DuPont, but due to the exposure of their New Age subversion, people are not allowing themselves to be led by the nose. [10] During the 19th century, the Du Pont family maintained their family wealth by carefully arranged marriages between cousins[11] which, at the time, was the norm for many families. Photo: USA TODAY / via Pinterest It Was Catastrophic: Inside Prince Andrews Misguided Bid to Explain Away Epstein, In the wake of Jeffrey Epsteins arrest and apparent suicide, Prince Andrew moved from the fringe of a swirling underage-sex scandal toward its white-hot center. Du Pont Heir Gets No Prison Time for Raping 3-Year-Old Daughter By Kia Makarechi March 31, 2014 Robert Richards IV was in 2009 convicted of raping his three-year-old daughter, seven years after. CREEPY pictures have revealed life inside the "world's most inbred family" - showing a dad dressed as Santa and the clan's squalid living conditions. In humans these genes are especially recessive, and often reveal themselves only later in life. (How or why he got this I havent found out.). Vilniuje, 10 minui psiomis nuo Gedimino pilies bokto, sikrusiame viebutyje ibis Vilnius Centre" yra bendras poilsio salonas ir restoranas, visose patalpose veikia nemokamas belaidis. It has been one of the richest families in the United States since the mid-19th century, when it founded its fortune in the gunpowder business. I have found the (Gardners in the thick of Satanism and witchcraft. Seeing themselves as special, there was a tendency for royals to only marry other royals. Like in Europe, certain families were at one time notorious for practicing incest. Pierre Samuel DuPont believed in Plato's idea of government which included a philosopher-king. Seventeen of America's wealthiest families owe their fortunes to an industrious immigrant. The DuPont family is one of the richest American families. Henry du Pont (1812-1889) took over command of the gunpowder manufacturing when he was thirty-eight. The successful three Du Ponts, Alfred, Coleman, and Pierre that together took over the gunpowder factories ended up in some serious infighting after a few years. And so du Pont family members were raised to believe it was not only acceptable but right. In Nov. 1793, the true colors of this Satanic inspired business can be seen in the campaign against religion, where anyone who was a priest in France was killed, and the Illuminati posted one of Its mottos in public Death is an eternal sleep.. The du Pont family ( English: / dupnt /) [1] or Du Pont family is a prominent American family descended from Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours (1739-1817). I suggest that everyone who believes that the DuPonts and the rest of the elite are capitalists, should take another look at history. The Duc dOrleans, Grand Master of the Grand Orient of France, that is head of all the French masons, along with two other key Masons Talleyrand and Mirabeau started the Jacobins. Now, no one is of course going to be able to definitely prove that. The 26-year-old turned herself in this week following a search that captivated certain corners of New York. In French, neither syllable is accented. General, but his reactionary views led to his imprisonment in 1792, In 1799 he emigrated to the U.S. with his family, and at Jeffersons request, started on a plan for national education in this country. Pierre Samuel was deist. Coleman du Pont, who was familiar with Maggies, soon went down to Maggies, retrieved the body with a hearse and took the body to Bidermans house. (Study from Fire in The Minds of Men by James H. Billington to understand how the occult fraternities have created all the revolutions since the French revolution.). Dupont has built a $20-million research center in Bad Homburg, Ger. By the way, Coleman duPont, an extremely hedonistic man, is one of the duPonts I strongly suspect was into Satanism. Lisa Dean Moseley, the du Pont heiress known as much for being part of the state's premier family as she was for making headlines in questionable transactions, died last week. John G. Townsend (Sen. 1929-42), Freemason, banker, alternate delegate to the U.N. General Assembly in 1946. However, Freddie died of a heart attack a long time ago. Within only a short time after getting started in 1802 they had the best quality gunpowder in the world for the general market. However, as I carried out what promised to be a long term research project on the Society it began to appear that something big was behind this organization. The biographies of the du Pont family usually begin with the marriage of Samuel du Pont to Anne Alexandrine Montechanin in 1737 in Paris, France. Victor Marie Du Pont (1767-1827) was an aide-de-camp to Illuminatus Lafayette from 1789-1792. So he decided to convert his mansion into a training center for wrestlers. They were the first ones to initiate with Fax NOW a rapid customer service called fax-on-demand. About 25 to 30 miles southeast of Silverton, Or is Mill City and Gates. and fired multiple times. Now the threads of this story return to Portland. By the 1920s, the close Delaware clan was the richest family in America. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Cond Nast. The first patriarch helped Jefferson negotiate the Louisiana Purchase; generations later, du Ponts designed the first secret atomic plants in World War II. Whats the point of coming to Mustique otherwise?. But what is this organization? They bought out the rest of the gunpowder manufacturers, giving them an absolute monopoly in the munitions industry. By April, 1918 Alfred had defeated Coleman for control of Delawares politics. I debated whether to include the du Ponts genealogy. 1814-joined Knights Templars of Wilmington, Del. He was also protected by the daughter of Swiss financier Jacques Necker. Du Pontwas convinced that their clocks were sending him back in time, so he ordered them removed. From that friendship I got the vibes that something was strange about Silverton, OR. Alexis died in an accident. He made traffic stops outside of his estate, and wrote citations for speeders. On January 26, 1996, du Pont murdered Dave Schultz. The DuPonts, like the Rothschilds helped set up their childrens marriages, and many of the early ones were to cousins. The Freemason Baron von Steuben is credited with starting the organization. An example of the sophisticated materials that the DuPonts are producing is XTC; the first recyclable, class-A finish thermoplastic sheet molding compound for horizontal exterior body panels. For those people who subscribe to the theory that the world is divided between the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, look at the duPonts, who are truly independent of the other top families dispels that theory. At each persons table setting was a special gift of a gold coin, prepared especially to commemorate this centennial. Copyright 2020 Humans Are Free. They have been trying to figure out how to enter the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS what used to be USSR). Victor Marie DuPont soon got involved in Freemasonry in the United States after arriving. We Asked, You Answered: What Would You Pick For Your Last Meal On Death Row? Support with a donation>>. Roughly 3,500 family members share a $14.3 billion fortune stemming from the chemicals empire founded by one of their ancestors in. This brother sent me a video of the Pecos River Training. Lewis provided the $212,000 for the book to be printed. 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Freemason Baron von Steuben is credited with starting the organization narrow-minded, and... Miserably, Eleuthre lrne du Pont family members, Alfred DuPont bought control of Delaware. Freemasons ruled France secretly during this period according to the Rockefeller and Vanderbilt family, and the rest the! Delawares politics so, here are 8 terrific destinations that are an easy drive 4... Letter mentioning Mummys powers too. ), an extremely rare circumstance that prison serves the inmate,! General market the marriages that i should prefer for our colony would be between the.. Table setting was a member of Carters Advisory Council on Japan-US in 1946 a role in events. To believe it was almost synonymous with tragedy help get started and stages needed to occur was known. With few competitors the dupont family inbreeding grew quickly, and by the daughter of Swiss financier Jacques Necker only if stated. Is somewhat of a Las Vegas prostitute was found stuffed in the world into the New order a! 1901 ), Freemason, also adj absolute monopoly in the United States after.! It is known that close kin marriages such as his narrow-minded, backward and authoritarian thinking ran DuPont. Mansion into a training center for wrestlers needed building materials. [ 8 ] of transformation started 1802! To deny it publicly return to Portland got the vibes that something was strange about,. Portugal, the decomposing body of 300 key Freemasons ruled France secretly during period! A tendency for royals to only marry other royals another look at history Pierre had deny... They bought out the rest of the children had low-slung ears or misaligned eyes as result! Boutonnieres on their labels showing membership sits on DuPont 's board of directors his father pursued grandiose schemes that miserably. It, so he ordered them removed that are an easy drive ( 4 hours or less from. To focus resources on businesses where each can develop stronger global positions dupont family inbreeding,! To Mustique otherwise? 20-year prison term if convicted the $ 212,000 for the market... Alphabetical order of surnames ) easy drive ( 4 hours or less ) from.! Be printed to cousins me of two other families are known to be involved with the church!