The problem is there is coriale family and Utica New York that say they are no relation I do not believe that the branches do not come from a trunk of a tree. If you look closely at my great aunt's birth act, there is a notation under her name regarding her marriage. Morti 1736-1819. Matrimoni 1661-1709, 1784-1819, 1810-1858. I am trying to find information on my paternal great grandfather; Antonio Dominick Galluccio. This is a gold mine of data with up to 13 generations of information all in one collection. If you do not find earlier generations in the parish registers, search neighboring parishes. Morti 1615-1675, 1696-1797. : Matrimoni 1810-1865. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, SS. Morti 1633-1673, 1701-1885, 1900-1937. In the U.S., state, county or city governments, depending on location, usually hold such records. Matrimoni 1871-1874, 1878-1905, 1919-1952. Morti 1713-1878. Stato delle Anime 1929. Genealogical records usually contain a limited vocabulary. C. Napolitano, Webmaster Here is some information to assist you in obtaining copies of such records. Morti 1809-1865. Giacomo Arcidiaco e Lionet Munaro, Civil Records: Births 1809-1910. - Battesimi 1596-1666, 1671-1818. I am looking for lost relatives still residing in San Pietro en Guarano. Births and Baptisms 1806-1900 Index of almost 2 million birth and baptism records filed in Italy between 1806 and 1900. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Veneranda (Pavigliana) Parish Records: Battesimi 1612-1642. Hope to travel to Italy someday and would LOVE to meet relatives! If you search your ancestors in Reggio Calabria, in the province of Reggio Calabria, Calabria region, the documents about your Italian family are stored in the City Office archives and in the parishes in the town. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Lucia: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1629-1820. Website Il Circolo Calabrese, Pavigliana: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1612-1642. He is the only part of my Italian family that I have not found more information on. Morti 1596-1618, 1641-1696, 1702-1824. - Battesimi 1729-1818, 1786-1797. Although the records have changed in format over the years, the basic information has remained mostly unchanged. They are useful to search in Calabria and of course in Reggio Calabria too! Ben Vanrijswijk, S.S. Salvatore: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1738-1818. Morti 1811-1865. 4 - Complete copy of the birth record ( Copia integrale dell'atto di nascita) The complete copy is a certified copy of the birth record containing all the entries listed on its civil registry office: certifies the surname, first name, additional first names, sex, place of birth, hour, day, month and year of birth, city of birth registration . Morti 1750-1817, 1819-1839, 1878-1908, 1911-1943. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Maria SS Annunziata (Cesari) Parish Records: Battesimi 1631-1745, 1748-1877, 1879-1948. Matrimoni 1764-1788, 1800-1850. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Constantino Magno Parish Records: Battesimi 1635-1809. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Costantino (Pentidattilo) Parish Records: Battesini e Morti 1807. Morti 1721-1852, 1869-1909. The format and wording of this record has changed over the years slightly, but the information provided has not. Poggio Imperiale, Foggia, Apuglia - the author has transcribed some of the birth, marriage and death records for this town Portigliola, Reggio Calabria, Calabria Email her Email her --> Ripabottoni, Molise, Campobasso - the author has access to records and would be happy to hear from you please write her for information Matrimoni 1630-1650, 1655-1744, 1746-1863, 1871-1874, 1879-1938. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Maria della Neve (Riparo): Indexed Records - Battesimi 1634-1805. Cresime 1675-1803. Corrections to a birth record may have been added as a, After 1809 Napoleonic law required that the marriage ceremony be performed, Marriages were usually performed and recorded. My grandfather has a sister Amalia. Domenic minici.Canada. Matrimoni 1744-1865. Ben Vanrijswijk, Arcipretale SS Salvatore Parish Records: Battesimi 1786-1928, 1935-1944. del Carmelo (Ceramida): Battesimi 1915-1925. Morti 1811-1865. : Indexed Records - Matrimoni 1809-1865. I am searching for surviving relatives still living in Italy or elsewhere. (If your goal is to claim your Italian Dual Citizenship in Oppido Mamertina follow this link). Matrimoni 1605-1820. Ben Vanrijswijk, Podargoni: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1738-1772, Matrimoni 1738-1865. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Trifonio Respicio e Ninfa Parish Records: Battesimi 1744-1819. - Battesimi 1657-1675, 1703-1724, 1750-1795. Sometimes a certificate like this attached to the birth act. Morti 1629-1646, 1648-1687, 1698-1741, 1747-1820, 1828-1868, 1878-1904. S. Maria della Vittoria Parish Records: Battesimi 1699-1707, 1751-1773, 1801-1803, 1807-1956. I am looking for information on my grandfather and his family. Morti 1784-1858. Do you know the birthdate of your grandfather? Morti 1736-1772, 1774-1922. della Presentazione Parish Records: Battesimi 1700-1702, 1705-1718, 1720-1926. Cresime 1597-1610. Morti 1753-1765, 1783. Murat controlled the kingdom until the return of the Bourbons in 1815. Most of the Comuni of the present province of Crotone also belonged to this Province. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, SS. Morti 1912-1958. Website Ben Vanrijswijk Look up Database containing: Indexed Births 1781-1831 (collected from Marriage Processetti dating from 1809-1831), Marriages 1809-1865, Deaths 1745-1862 (collected from Name. Cittanova: Lookup Database Birth Indexes 1842-1865. : Matrimoni 1809-1865. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Michele Arcangelo (Sambatello) Parish Records: Battesimi 1597-1678, 1682-1747. Matrimoni 1651-1655. State dell Anime 1801-1804, Matrimoni 1809-1865, Morti 1809-1865. Morti 1632-1666, 1668-1702, 1705-1857, 1859-1991. Matrimoni 1809-1929. In addition, eight Simple . Matrimoni 1729-1826, 1843-1939. Morti 1612-1793. Calabria is home to several different terrains and landscapes. Pentidattilo (frazione of Melito di Porto Salvo): Arcipretale S. Pietro e Paolo: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1610-1703, 1752-1814. In the US, he became Mike Livery. - Battesimi 1802-1835. I am looking for information about my Great Grandmother and Great Grandfather. This set the stage for the eventual unification with the rest of Italy in 1861, when the Kingdom of Naples was brought into the union by Giuseppe Garibaldi. My father, Giuseppe Totino, was born in Reggio Calabria on December 7, 1911. His father was Pasquale and he died before 1922. Morti 1767-1808. Matrimoni 1652-1675, 1747-1820. Morti 1612-1790. Morti 1621-1673, 1675-1697, 1705-1778. If the censuses do exist for your parish, the registers list all family members living in a household and their ages or birth dates. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Nicolo Parish Records: Battesimi 1676-1694, 1703-1796. Civil officials will generally answer correspondence in Italian. Civil Records in Reggio Calabria In towns and villages of Calabria and in Reggio Calabria province registry offices were established in 1809: it means that you could find your ancestors records in Reggio Calabria town hall archives as of that date. To proceed faster with your research is important to know if the last name you are investigating is a frequent surname in Reggio Calabria. Matrimoni 1746-1819. Matrimoni 1912-1913, 1918-1938. Mother's Name. Food and Wine Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S.M. Catasto Onciario 1742. Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Spirito Santo : Indexed Records - Matrimoni 1809-1865. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Indexed Records - Battesimi 1744-1819. Contributions to Italian Parish Records are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Matrimoni 1750-1819. Morti 1713-1878. Father's Name. They came to US and changed their name to Joseph & Rosa Winters. - Battesimi 1597-1747. per night. Morti 1767-1768, 1802-1808, 1823-1905, 1913-1930. Francesco Frank Daniele was born on June 17, 1891, in Torre di Ruggiero, Catanzaro, Italy, to Maria Grazia Caterina Pirroncello, age 22, and Domenico Nicolo Daniele, age 30. Looking for information on gr grandmother Paolina Marra. Acquaformosa (CS) Marriage Index (1825 - 1846) -- Collection of marriages (index only) for the town of Acquaformosa (CS). Morti 1809-1865. Morti 1749-1819. Morti 1675-1818. Morti 1792-1826, 1860-1902, 1933-1976. della Neve: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1696-1748, 1762-1811. Matrimoni 1631-1819. Morti 1727-1739, 1775-1826. Because of this notation, I know to look in Paola for a copy of her marriage act and can provide the town with the date the marriage took place. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. NIcola (Sant' Agata) Parish Records: Battesimi 1765-1783. Matrimoni 1703-1796. - Battesimi 1610-1703, 1752-1814. If you have any information relating to the Ielasis, I would love to hear from you. I am at a dead end, I cant find my family at all in Reggio Calabria (Where apparently my family is from) I have a great great uncle who stayed in Italy, but I cant track them down. I have written to the Archives about Five months ago and I still have not heard from them. Stato delle Anime 1805. Morti 1657-1675, 1750-1766, 1777-1782, 1795-1820. Matrimoni 1832-1865. Thank you. Ben Vanrijswijk, Orti Inferiore: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1642-1685, 1689-1798. Matrimoni 1684-1819. Our guests praise the breakfast and the . Word has it that all Ielasis are related and all descendants stem back to 2 brothers. Here below you can read the messages received from other visitors in Reggio Calabria forum:if you only want to discuss with other people interested in genealogy in Reggio Calabria feel free to leave a message below. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Maria SS. - Nati 1784-1808, Matrimoni 1784-1809, Matrimoni 1809-1865. Matrimoni 1593-1645. Cresime 1686. - Battesimi 1674-1819. Ben Vanrijswijk, Mosorrofa: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1777-1820. - Battesimi 1620-1716. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Caterina Parish Records: Battesimi 1797-1804, 1807-1849, 1852-1908. Matrimoni 1590-1837. Morti 1878-1940. Morti 1809-1865. Catasto Onciario 1748. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Giovanni Battista (Galliciano) Parish Records: Battesimi 1853-1936. Morti 1595-1945. - Battesimi 1642-16895, 1720-1742, 1796-1878. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Spirito Santo: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1655-1672, 1800-1818. - Battesimi 1602-1618, 1630, 1642-1645, 1655-1656, 1662-1805, 1810-1818. Website Il Circolo Calabrese, Pietrapennata: Indexed Records- Matrimoni 1819-1863. Matrimoni 1617-1667, 1688-1729, 1731-1746, 1827-1942. Ben Vanrijswijk, SS Filippo e Giacamo Parish Records: Battesimi 1597-1895. A close up of this notation here shows Carmela DeSeta married in Paola a man named Ottavio Perrotta. Matrimoni 1593-1645. I am looking for any relatives of Fortunata Marzano or Michel Bruno Montegna in Reggio, Calabria. Feb 1 - Feb 2. Cresime 1719, 1728, 1734, 1776. Matrimoni 1915-1940. Matrimoni 1878-1960. 1898 Maria Cannizzaro 29 July 1898 Father: Dominick Cannizzaro, Mother Angelina Aiello Thank you Dawn. 1870 to Patsy Romeo and Angela Surucia. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Arcipretale S.M. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Maria delle Grazia (Lazzaro) Parish Records: Battesimi 1834-1924. Matrimoni 1736-1819. In order to research your family in Italy, it is essential that you have identified the place where they came from. thank you! But relatives are allowed request them for genealogy. Matrimoni 1809-1903. - Battesimi 1738-1772, Matrimoni 1738-1865. Morti 1612-1786. Family lore says actual home was in Ravagnese. His Father, my Great Grandfather was Luigi Riggio (Reggio) and I believe he immigrated to the US in 1912, from the port of Palermo, and his last known place of residence was Bordonaro Sicily (I think. Marriage Banns We have tried to extract the names as best as possible but as with all things, mistakes can happen. Deaths 1809-1910. For some localities, digital copies of civil registration can be searched online: "Nati" are births. Matrimoni 1589-1644, 1646-1667, 1671-1678, 1680-1717, 1720-1781. Redentore (Palizzi Marina) Parish Records: Battesimi 1900-1932. Morti 1606-1754. Morti 1810-1865. Tramontano (Tramontana?) Cresime 1748, 1757, 1792-1800. Morti 1612-1640, 1652-1790. Stato di Famiglia 1832. Morti 1716-1764, 1776-1908, 1911-1941. - Battesimi 1612-1642. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Maria di Loreto Parish Records: Battesimi 1631-1645, 1651-1714, 1741-1750, 1752-1760, 1764-1779, 1789-1805, 1807-1852, 1854-1916. Morti 1702-1805. : Matrimoni 1810-1865. After a brief period in the early 1700s under the Austrian Hapsburgs, Calabria came into the control of the Bourbons in 1735.At the end of the 18th century the French took control and in 1808 Napoleon Bonaparte gave the Kingdom of Naples to his brother-in-law Joachim Murat. Children: Carmelita, Anna Rosa, Nicholas, Antonio. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Michele Arcangelo: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1597-1747. Antonimina - Hosts Marriages and Deaths for 1889 & 1903. Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Caterina del Trivio: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1678-1819. I dont know if that was our family name and my father has tried to look into as well with no luck. Matrimoni 1743-1820. Matrimoni 1590-1837. Matrimoni 1905-1937. Morti 1610-1702, 1745-1820. I found that mrans mason. Morti 1789-1797. Italian Parish Records is a project of Players Philanthropy Fund, a Maryland charitable trust recognized by IRS as a tax-exempt public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (Federal Tax ID: 27-6601178). Morti 1615-1673, 1696-1797. Morti 1741-1777, 1802-1819. Request for a complete extract of the record. Morti 1811-1865. Annunziata (Ghoria) Parish Records: Battesimi 1911-1936. - Battesimi 1794-1822. There are many microfilmed records available but not included in the online collections. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, B.V.M. Hops (Humulus lupulus L.) constitute a species that grows spontaneously in the region of Calabria (South Italy), but the species' morphological and genetic characterization have not yet been explored. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Nicola del Pozzo: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1611-1791. I am looking for any information I can gather about his family and any still living relatives. I know Joseph lived with Rocco in Rome New York and he was marriedto Filomena Luiere, also died in Rome New York. Stato di Famiglia 1741. This method is not always reliable. In America we would read that as April 6, however, in Italy the day is written first, then the month making the actual date is June 4. Matrimoni 1597-1938. Women are always found in the indexes under their, Births were generally registered within a day or two of the childs birth, usually by the father of the family or by the attending midwife. Ben Vanrijswijk. I am trying to find information on the Romeo/ Crucitti/ Crutrupi family from Reggio Calabria. Antonimina - Hosts Marriages and Deaths for 1889 & 1903. Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S.M. Im from Reggio Calabria and I think that the real name in Palizzi is Stillitano. I am looking for my fathers family. Morti 1800-1811, 1841-1865. As more your surname is common, as more it could be difficult to find the right branch of your ancestors family in Reggio Calabria archives, expecially if you have not exact dates. He died here in the the United States in 1936. I have no idea where to start, as I think they were married via proxy, when my Nonna was still in Reggio Calabria and my Nonno was in Australia. Morti 1743-1877. Morti 1809-1865. My Great-Grandfather came to the US approx 1870s, before there is much information in the US. Morti 1800-1811, 1841-1865. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. NIcola di Bari (Santa Domenica di Gallico Superiore) Parish Records: Battesimi 1849-1943. Cresime 1671, 1750-1772. Stato delle Anime 1850. Cresime 1602, 1605, 1610, 1618. Matrimoni 1877-1938. Stato delle Anime 1873-1877. Morti 1738-1772, 1783-1934. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Sebastiano: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1591-1824. Morti 1595-1945. - Battesimi 1629-1678, 1719-1781. Morti 1727-1736, 1866-1924, 1929-1982. This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and to analyze traffic. Matrimoni 1628-1674, 1702, 1752-1783, 1794-1813, 1823-1935. Matrimoni 1803, 1805-1809, 1834-1929. Matrimoni 1769-1785. Guide to Calabria Region ancestry, family history and genealogy: birth records, marriage records, death records, census records, parish registers, and military records. Morti 1697-1819. Ben Vanrijswijk, Sottocomune Galliciano: Matrimoni 1809-1865. - Battesimi 1747-1788, Cresime 1719-1736. Cresime 1690-1776. : 18 July 2022. toronto.Ontario. any idea what I should do next? Morti 1838-1877, 1879-1942. Cresime 1603, 1628, 1754-1820. When requesting information, send the following: 1. Prior to 1991 there were only 3 provinces. State dell Anime 1696-1698, 1703-1708, 1710-1717. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Anna Parish Records: Battesimi 1684-1703, 1783-1826, 1829-1934. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Giovanni Battista (Pellaro) Parish Records: Battesimi 1736-1743, 1777-1778, 1873-1924. Matrimoni 1802-1813. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Maria degli Angeli (Porelli): Battesimi 1813-1879. Ben Vanrijswijk, SS Salvatore Parish Records: Battesimi 1932-1939. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Sperato Parish Records: Battesimi 1611-1637, 1679-1693, 1697-1712, 1738-1772, 1858-1940. For writing your letter in Italian, use the translated questions and phrases in this Italy Letter Writing Guide. Matrimoni 1738-1762, 1773-1781, 1783-1950. Matrimoni 1623-1659, 1693-1840, 1850-1913, 1920-1932. Matrimoni 1598-1687, 1712-1813. My Grandfather (their son) was Ferdinando Cardella. Morti 1721-1807. Battesimi, Matrimoni, e Morti 1839-1865, 1870-1878. Ben Vanrijswijk, Terreti: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1642-16895, 1720-1742, 1796-1878. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Maria Maddalena Parish Records: Battesimi 1720-1755, 1758-1806, 1810-1941. Morti 1819-1863, 1909-2003. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Elia: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1743-1820. - Battesimi 1763-1834. Her name was Giovanna Zerilli. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Indexed Records - Battesimi 1786-1836. Her mother: Maria Giuseppa Gentil Morti 1701-1746, 1755-1773, 1801-1812, 1928-1990. Matrimoni 1596-1663, 1671-1675, 1678-1877. Thank you. - Battesimi 1699-1707, 1751-1773, 1801-1831. Cresime 1617-1746. Morti 1750-1822. If you need a professional help from our local genealogists write to or follow this link. Stato di Famiglia 1746. Matrimoni 1846-1871. Matrioni 1674-1819. On the left side of this page you can see an actual birth act of my great aunt from Montalto Uffugo in Cosenza, Calabria. Morti 1801-1857. : Indexed Records - Matrimoni 1809-1865. Website Il Circolo Calabrese, S. Nicola di Bari Parish Records: Battesimi 1816-1865, 1868-1924. Address list for municipalities of Reggio Calabria Cresime 1746-1786. The unification was orchestrated by Great Britain in an attempt to nationalize the production of sulfur from the two volcanoes located in Naples and Sicily respectively. This particular document states that Maria Concetta LoFeudo died in the Vaccarizzo frasione of Montalto Uffugo on 1 March 1953. Morti 1809-1840. (If your goal is to claim your Italian Dual Citizenship in Reggio Calabria follow this link). Ben Vanrijswijk, State Civil: Indexed Records - Matrimoni 1809-1865. - Battesimi 1655-1672, 1800-1818. Thank you and look forward to hearing from you. Started in 2008, Calabria Exchange currently hosts images and extractions of almost 160,000 births, marriages and deaths of people residing in the area between 1800 - 1910. Also looking for siblings or any other family members. I know who her husband was and if I wanted to find the cousins of my father, I know what surname to look for. Morti 1835-1965. Angilletta & Fuda Births Recorded in Reggio Calabria 1889. Ben Vanrijswijk, Indexed Parish Records: Battesimi 1631-1745, 1748-1842. Morti 1784-1808. Morti 1753-1818. Birth. Morti 1612-1786. Morti 1810-1865. 1941 give or take a couple years. Indexed Births 1866-1899, Marriages 1866-1910. After that, church records continued to be kept but often contain less information. It was attached to her birth act. Cresime 1686. I look forward to hearing from you. Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Pantaleone Parish Records: Battesimi 1803-1833, 1839-1924. Matrimoni 1769-1785. Matrimoni 1731-1813, 1786-1797. Their a Italian last name was Stellatano, I believe, and was changed to Stellone. Info Population: about 180,000 inhabitants in 2018 Zip/postal code: 89121-89135 Dialing Area Code: +39 0965 Demonym: reggini Patron Saint: Madonna della Consolazione, celebrated on the 2nd Saturday in September; St. Giorgio, celebrated on 23rd April Matrimoni 1595-1616, 1618-1625, 1628-1720, 1726-1731, 1734-1752, 1754-1839, 1841-1876, 1878-1952. Morti 1762-1926. This "annotazione" is a notation of the child's death. - Matrimoni 1809-1858. where there living at.Please Reply. This page has been viewed 22,929 times (0 via redirect). Morti 1809-1838. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Maria SS. Matrimoni 1777-1820. Matrimoni 1604-1608. The region of Calabria is divided into five provinces (similar to counties in the United States): The State Archive (Ufficio dello Stato Civile) of each province is located in the provincial capital. Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Indexed Records - Battesimi 1674-1771. Morti 1716-1764, 1776-1908, 1911-1941. I have his fathers name which was Joseph coriale unknown to me if it was changed from Giuseppe. Cresime 1617, 1629, 1636, 1646, 1665. "Matrimoni" and "allegati" are marriages. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Giuseppe: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1747-1788, Cresime 1719-1736. Cresime 1656-1676, 1746-1768. Guide to Reggio Calabria Province ancestry, family history and genealogy: birth records, marriage records, death records, census records, parish registers, and military records. Morti 1809-1840. Ben Vanrijswijk, S. Stefano Protomartire Parish Records: Battesimi 1647-1659, 1666-1739, 1741-1746, 1766-1840, 1847-1848, 1864-1894, 1909-1930. Can you please help? Ben Vanrijswijk, Sant' Agata del Bianco: Indexed Records - Nati 1809-1860. You can also subscribe without commenting. Morti 1595-1618, 1641-1696, 1702-1824, 1855-1877, 1879-1908. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, S. Giuseppe (Anna) Parish Records: Battesimi 1904-1934. Matrimoni 1700-1772, 1807-1831, 1909-1950. Matrimoni 1736-1819. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Indexed Records - Matrimoni 1809-1865. Morti 1784-1858. Matrimoni 1697-1785. To find a record: If the records are not online or microfilmed, civil registration records in Italy can be obtained by writing to the local civil registry. Calabria is one of the few areas of southern Italy that has a non-Italian minority: a substantial number of Albanians fled the Turkish conquest of their homeland in the 15th and 16th centuries and settled there. Morti 1612-1622, 1631-1637, 1699-1719, 1788-1795, 1825-1903. Morti 1744-1819. - Battesimi 1750-1822. (If your goal is to claim your Italian Dual Citizenship in Reggio Calabria follow this link). Cresime 1603, 1628, 1754-1820. Matrimoni 1631-1639, 1695-1736, 1788-1800, 1846-1875, 1878-1930. Ben Vanrijswijk, Indices - Nati 1866-1895. Therefore, you will need to search in United States (or other country of arrival) sources first. Morti 1635-1668, 1675-1733, 1743-1756, 1759-1787, 1792-1917. Many thanks, Maria. Matrimoni 1769-1785. When my family came to America they apparently change their last name and NO ONE knows what it orginally was. Im brazilian and i am looking for information about the parent of my grandfather. Please advise if you can assist us in locating his birth town and family in Italy. In 1501 Calabria came under the control of Ferdinand II of Aragon who is famed for sponsoring the first voyage of Christopher Columbus in 1492. Morti 1878-1955. - Battesimi 1594-1638, 1654-1681, 1690-1813. Immaculata: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1594-1638, 1654-1681, 1690-1813. Immacolata Parish Records: Battesimi 1594-1608, 1626-1629, 1634-1638, 1654-1681, 1690-1693, 1697-1700, 1708-1710, 1731-1758, 1762-1788, 1812-1813, 1825-1912, 1916-1945. - Battesimi 1674-1771. I would like to get the info on the Bono family. I belive he was in the italian army before he immigrated and died in 1978. Ben Vanrijswijk, Armo: Indexed Records - Battesimi 1632-1827; Morti 1675-1720, 1726-1768, 1792-1819, 1810-1865. Morti 1878-1956. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Montebello e Fossato: Indexed - Catasto Onciario 1736. Civil Records in Palmi In towns and villages of Calabria and in Reggio Calabria province registry offices were established in 1809: it means that you could find your ancestors records in Palmi town hall archives as of that date. Matrimoni 1775-1929. Matrimoni 1671-1876. Archivio Storico Diocesano Reggio Calabria-Bova, Maria SS Assunta (Armo) Parish Records: Battesimi 1633-1829, 1835-1856, 1858-1921. Griko, sometimes spelled Grico, is the dialect of Italiot Greek spoken by Griko people in Salento (province of Lecce) and (also called Grecanic) in Calabria.Some Greek linguists consider it to be a Modern Greek dialect and often call it Katoitalitika (Greek: , "Southern Italian") or Grekanika (), whereas its own speakers call it Greko .
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