(a) kibe: chilblain (b) steel:(here) sword. This absolutely does show the potential issues one can encounter when too ambitious/greedy as you mentioned. Why? What is Prospero's last command to Ariel? In this context, what does Antonio himself intend to do? You cannot print contents of this website. project hope francis tuttle; farm land . What evidence does Sebastian give that he is not crazy? Antonio betrayed his brother and stole the dukedom of Milan from him while he (Prospero) was studying. Gonzalo says that the person spoken to has cause to be merry. As mine eyes opend. Why? Dramatic irony and parallelism serve to add suspense and intrigue to the moment when Antonio persuades Sebastian to kill the king and usurp the throne in Act 2, Scene 1 of Shakespeare's The Tempest. Why does he blame Alonso? 2. For the audience these lines may have been what determined their final opinion of Antonio, as it is at this point where we can be sure of Antonios intentions. Prospero creates the tempest, causing his enemies' ship to wreck and its passengers to be dispersed about the island. They weren't killed because Prospero was so well-loved by his people. What is the most significant symbols in Lord of the Flies? Antonio is forgiven and required to renounce his claims on Prospero's dukedom. What techniques does Antonio use to persuade Sebastian? What act does Antonio try to persuade Sebastian to perform? However, when confronted with his responsibility, Alonso is genuinely repentant for the pain he caused Prospero in the past. ANS:Antonio wondered approximately the mind-set of Sebastian that he isnt always assured, and courageous sufficient to cover his desire from all and sundry. What do Sebastian and Antonio plan to do when night falls? How does Antonio convince Sebastian to execute the plan? 2. Does Antonio love Sebastian in Twelfth Night? When talking about Alonso, Antonio states. While Alonso continues to mourn the loss of his son, Prospero relates that he too has lost his child, his daughter. Answer and Explanation: Viola, the chief protagonist of the play, falls in love with Duke Orsino, who in turn is in love with Countess Olivia. Then wisely, good sir, weigh, SEBASTIAN. No better than the earth he lies upon,(Line 274). Why does Antonio want Sebastian as king? (II).What is Antonios plan of getting rid of Alonso and Gonzalo? Would I had never. Scene 1. Name two negative and two positive characters in this scene. Will uninstalling Chrome remove passwords? ANTONIO. What do Alonso Gonzalo Sebastian and Antonio think happened to Ferdinand? Sebastian is Viola's twin brother who has been lost at sea. Antonio then sent an army at midnight, under the cover of darkness, to force Prospero and baby Miranda out of Milan. Ay, sir; where lies that? What do Antonio and Sebastian have in common? (And that a strange one too) which did awake me. It is clear that Alonso believes Ferdinand to be dead when Francisco says , \. Antonio compares Alonso to dirt, and ranks them the same. Though this statement might be debatable, in a sense, Antonio is the most devoted lover of Twelfth Night. (I).Why has such strange drowsiness possessed them? (I).How does Claribel become the queen of Tunis? What is Antonio's plan of getting rid of Alonso and Gonzalo? Aeneas was a warrior and pioneer. ANS:Antonio convinces Sebastian to murder Alonso, whereas Antonio himself intends to kill Alonso, at the same time as Sebastian could kill Gonzalo. Alonso's concern for his son's safety and his deep grief when he thinks his son is dead help to construct an image of Alonso as a good and loving father who has made mistakes in the past. What plan does Antonio remind Sebastian of? In this quote, Antonio is talking about Alonso and the courtyards. 33. It is the quality o th climate. However, there is something that most clearly indicates how manipulative he is. So they decide to kill him along with Alonso. Jamiel Shaw Jr. , 17, was shot and killed near his home Sunday evening. Sebastian and Feste are talking, and we realize that Feste has mistaken Sebastian for Cesario. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Once ashore, he meets Miranda and falls in love with her. Letters should not be known; riches, poverty. These are the twin sorrows troubling Alonso. This shows Shakespeare had a genuinely decent information on the law. GONZALO. Antonio probably says this to ease Sebastian into killing Alonso. ANS:It is said about Gonzalo that he can likewise be executed (given lasting rest) by Sebastian while Antonio slaughters Alonso. Why does Prospero have Ariel arrange a pageant? Antonio suggests to Sebastian that he could conspire against his brother Alonso, King of Naples and win the crown for himself. Beseech you, sir, be merry; you have cause, The masters of some merchant, and the merchant, Have just our theme of woe; but for the miracle, (I mean our preservation), few in millions, Can speak like us. Sebastian and Antonio Approach Illyria Antonio replies that he enjoys helping Sebastian because he loves Sebastian and they're friends, and he was also worried about what might happen if Sebastian were on his own; this area could be dangerous and unwelcoming to a stranger. No more.(Line 197). Antonio is the protagonist and titular merchant in The Merchant of Venice. Bourn, bound of land, tilth, vineyard, none; ANTONIO. This essay was written by a fellow student. He wants to say that if they had not undertaken to voyage to get his daughter married to an African, Ferdinand would have been alive. Alonso bears some responsibility for the events in Prospero's life, because Antonio would not have acted without Alonso's agreement. Measure us back to Naples? He laments saying that he would not have been given his little girl in marriage on the grounds that while coming back from Tunis he lost his child and lost his girl too as she is far away from Italy that he will never observe her again. Enter Alonso, Sebastian, Antonio, Gonzalo, Adrian, Francisco, and others. However, Ariel returns and awakens Gonzalo and the King. Eventually, he's fished out of the ocean by a sailor, Antonio, who falls in love with him. How does Alonso react on seeing his son Ferdinand with Miranda? Sebastian tells Alonso that, had he not permitted the marriage, the royal party would not have been at sea and, thus, never in the storm. We all were sea-swallowd, though some cast again, They do not fear others who they know will be happy to obey their commands. (V).How does Antonio prepare Sebastian for his plot against Alonso? Get original paper in 3 hours and nail the task. Antonio and Sebastian secretly plot to take advantage of Alonso and Gonzalos exhaustion, deciding to kill them in the evening. As they recover from their shipwreck, the five men exchange digs, then decide amongst themselves as to whether Ferdinand is dead or not. Gonzalo meets resistance from Antonio and Sebastian as well. Might also compare the two attempted murders to the attempted rape mentioned in 1.2.? What does Antonio do with Sebastian after rescuing him from the shipwreck? ANS:Antonio and Sebastian are talking about the plot to execute Alonso and Gonzalo. In this part Antonio also hyperbole to emphasise his point. 36. Jake doesn't seem convinced, but he also appears to be undecided; he didn't threaten to report him or anything. On the off chance that their arrangement will be completed effectively, at that point Sebastian would turn into the lord of Naples and Antonio will get liberated from paying yearly assessments to Alonso. ANS:Sebastian and Antonio said that the commotion was a boisterous thunder that sounded as of lions. Antonio says he is glad the King thinks his son is dead, and reminds Sebastian not to lose focus on their goal. What is the actual reason of Antonio sadness? Knowing that Sebastian doesn't have much money, Antonio gives Sebastian his purse so that Sebastian can buy himself something if he spots a trinket he likes. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. What has Antonio been instigating Sebastian to do? (VI) Give the meaning of the following words as they are used in the context of the passage, (a) contraries: opposite (b) Execute: perform, GONZALO. (III).According to Antonio how easily their plan can be carried out? He usurped (overthrowing) Prospero, greed and power motivated him. What are the 5 types of responsibility Army? This statement is designed to eradicate Sebastians respect and sympathy for Alonso. What do Antonio and Sebastian conspire to do? Alma de hierro (English title: Soul of Steel) is a Mexican telenovela produced by Roberto Gmez Fernndez and Giselle Gonzlez for Televisa in 2008. No problem! As Antonio explains, His life I gave him and did thereto add / My love, without retention or restraint (5.1.). Stanford University called about Jamiel Shaw a week or so ago, intrigued by the slight but speedy running back for Los Angeles High School, the Southern League's most . Antonio replies like this. In yours and my discharge. (Act II, Scene 1, Line 239-242). (II).What is the idea of the commonwealth on (a) equality among people and(b) marriages? Alonso and Gonzalo are called them. Married my daughter there! What does Antonio convince Sebastian to do in this context what does Antonio himself intend to do? What might. Prospero causes a storm to wreck their ship and cast them ashore on his island. why does antonio want to kill alonso. Erik ten Hag has warned that Manchester United's derby day party is over as his side look to make it a perfect 10 at Crystal Palace on Wednesday night. What has Antonio been instigating Sebastian to do? GONZALO, to Alonso. The latter end of his commonwealth forgets. He means that what happened in the past creates the future events. We see this on line 253 where Antonio says, That now hath seize them, why, they were no worse than now they are.. In act 2 scene 1, we witness a crucial part of the play. (V).How does Antonio show himself as a crafty tempter? Upon mine honor, sir, I heard a humming. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. What is the problem between Feste and Sebastian? 4 Why does Antonio suggest killing Alonso? He was depressed and sad as he had lost his son Ferdinand. They both want to kill Alonso and are both willing to sabotage their brothers to gain titles. ANS: The two contentions set forward in the scene by Antonio to persuade Sebastian to join the intrigue against Alonso are: 1. Alonso, Sebastian, Antonio, Gonzalo, and their companion lords become exhausted, and Alonso gives up all hope of finding his son. Alonso has got his daughter married in Tunis, and the likelihood of seeing her again is almost nil due to the distance. Does Antonio fall in love with Sebastian? 9 Why is Alonso the king of Naples so sad? Th occasion speaks thee, and. What is the actual reason of Antonio sadness? What happens to Antonio at the end of The Tempest? Gonzalo is obviously suspicious but does not challenge the lords. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. He is a friend of Bassanio's. How would you describe your personality example answer? You make me study, You cram these words into mine ears against, The latter end of his commonwealth forgets, All things in common nature should Produce. While returning they confronted a gigantic tempest from Tunis. How do Antonio and Sebastian react to Gonzalo? ANS:Antonio and Sebastian were hatching the plot to homicide Alonso and Gonzalo while they were napping. The banquet vanished and Ariel warns Trinculo, Stefano and Caliban of their doom. the Count Orsino's court'. What act does Antonio try to persuade Sebastian to perform? except if the sun were post-The man I- the moons too moderate implies that, Claribel is living so distant from Italy, that she wouldnt get the letter from Italy except if it is sent by the light of the sun since people are excessively delayed for that. Prospero conjures up a tempest, which strands Antonio and his friends on the island. How does Gonzalo behave during the storm? Answer. What did he do to bring about the present condition of Prospero? Or that we quit this place. Antonio then sent an army at midnight, under the cover of darkness, to force Prospero and baby Miranda out of Milan. What cause does the person have to be merry? He needs to state by the accompanying that Gonzalos words, push into his ears, In certainty his words conflict with his grain. And by that destiny to perform an act Professes to persuade) the King his sons alive. Stephano now refers to Caliban as "servant monster" and repeatedly orders him to drink. This gift of money will later become an important part of the plot when Viola, dressed as Cesario, is mistaken by Antonio for Sebastian. (II).As far as the heir to the kingdom of Naples is concerned what inconvenience would be faced by Caribel in the future? Antonio states, till new-born chins. m ANS: The scene happens on Another piece of island. 37. Beseech you, sir, be merry; you have cause, Twas a sweet marriage, and we prosper well, Tunis was never gracd before with such a, Widow Dido, said you? Also can be sup-. (I).Why does Gonzalo present his idea of the commonwealth? What are the two factors troubling Alonso? Why did Antonio not kill Prospero? SEBASTIAN. What plan does Antonio remind Sebastian of? Gonzalo, who is devoted to Alonso, will be killed. Fear on sloth makes an ambitious guy very low and distracts the attention of the person from finishing his work. How came that, SEBASTIAN. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. What is the most important part of The Tempest? 10 How does Gonzalo help Miranda in the Tempest? Here lies your brother. What does Prospero do for Ariel and Caliban in the final scene? He incites Sebastian by briding him that on the off chance that they murder Alonso than you (Sebastian) can turn into the ruler of Naples. He's a relatively minor character in the play, but his relationship with Sebastian is fascinating for the way it dramatizes male bonds. 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