Rourke caught the attention of critics for his role in The Pope of Greenwich Village and later became a sex symbol in 9 Weeks. And, I was the software technology lead for the UK air traffic control project ($700M). Currently works for the Miami Herald in sports section (Florida Sports Buzz columnist). She was a Miami Herald Silver Knight honorable mention recipient in the drama category when she was a high school senior. Bjarni Benediktsson, known colloquially as Bjarni Ben, is an Icelandic politician, who served as prime minister of Iceland from January to November 2017. Mitchell Kaplan (72) is the founder of Miamis longest-standing major independent bookstore, Books and Books, as well as the c0-founder of the Miami Book Fair International. Except of course when its more than equivalent, as it has been with universal education, for example, or wireless, or these damned aeroplanes. Ive had two books published by IBM (my sister is more prolific) and have edited books in unrelated fields such as computer aided design for model railroading.