Aloisio Fenech Bonici, married 1758 Vittoriosa to Beatrice Agius. Domenico Fenech, married 1646 (Acts of Notary Gio Paolo Fenech) to Angelica Frendo, with issue. Grazia Fenech, married 1663 (Acts of Notary Gio Paolo Fenech) to Paoluccio Bezzina. The Court had recently ruled Fenech's DNA would be tested following claims in court filings by an inmate at Corradino Correctional Facility that he is one of Fenech's sons. Evangelista Fenech Bonici, married 1769 Senglea to. Their son, Giovanni became a Judge in 1401, 1407, his grandson, Giacomo, was Jurat in 1449, then moved to Malta and settled there. Antonio Fenech Bonici, married 1774 Cospicua to Margherita Baldacchino, with issue. * Cristoforo Garzia of Spain, married 1563 Birkirkara to Caterina Buhagiar. Piero Giovanni Caruana, created Nobile by King Ferdinandoof Sicily in 1514 to him and his male descendants. JosephCamilleri., (1941-), married to MarySchembri(. At that stage, there were no public links between Mr Fenech and 17 Black.Since the revelations, Mr Fenech has strenuously denied any wrongdoing in connection with the Panama companies, but has never denied owning 17 Black. For their effort, the King of Sicily in the 18thcentury was ennobled to Count. Giuseppe de Corrado, former slave of theMagnificient Fra Don Commandore Giulio Corrardo, Knight of the Order of StJohn of Malta, married 1694 Zurrieq to Paolina Farrugia. * Bernardo Ghio of France, married 1625 Valletta to Marietta Grensa. * In the end of the Grand Masters rule in Malta, a Capitano della Verga, a Dr Gauci was created a Barone for life. *Another was a Bernardo branch, Michele de Bernardo, Jurat 1434, created Barone di Barberi in 1375, Barone di Majmuni, married to Chiusa di Asti. First used by Carlo Bajona 1839-1909, a Poet. Agostino di Lazzaro, married 1838 Cospicua to Paola Curmi, Antonia Fenech, married 1880 Siggiewi to Giuseppe Cilia, with issue. * Barnabe Miceli of Sicily, married 1846 Cospicua to Antonia Zammit. Andrea Bonaci from Abruzzo, Italy, married 1810Valletta to Maria,Alunna della Spedale (Orphelin child). John Fenech Adami, married to Angele N. *15thcentury, the purchase of the Maltese nobility fiefdom of Ghariexem e Tabia from the Inguanez family. He is a celebrity boxer. * Stefano Coen, a Jew, married 1774 Valletta to Saveria Tagliaferro, also from a Jewish family. * Milite Giovanni Maria Barbara, married 1540 to Caterina de Cantore. * Don Gaspare de Monreale, married 1604 Valletta to Agata Baldacchino. Laura Fenech, married 1670 to Giovanni Galea of Gozo. His descendants intermarried with the bulk of the Maltese nobility and still exist today as Formosa Gauci in name. Pietro de Celis of Messina, Sicily, married 1577 Vittoriosa to GiovannaPortughes. * Fortunato Ferro of Italy, married 1775 Senglea to Fortunata Cutrovo. * Giovanni Mannicoli of Sicily, married 1646 Vittoriosa to Dorotea Tabone. * Domenico Agnati sives Annati, of Italy, married 1646 Senglea to Antonia N. He is the, * Leonardo married 1648 Valletta to Maddalena Bonviani and is of Napolitano. MariaSchembri,married 1836 Naxxar to. * Pietro Chellus of Bouge, Angion, France, married 1710 Valletta to Maddalena Ansle. *Formerly known as Idoneo and arrived with the Knights of St John of Rhodes. Paul Schembri, (1957 -. He married 1631 at Valletta to Marietta Mancini. * First noted was Francois Barthet of France, married1651 Cospicua to a Teresa Meterco. Salvatore Fenech Adami., dunm. Gio Agostino Boffa of Massa del Carrarra, Italy, married1716 Senglea to Maddalena di Giovanni. * Gaetano married 1808 Vittoriosa to Maria Teresa Camilleri. Francesco Schembri, married (1) to Maria N, (2) 1814 Naxxar to Margherita Sammut. * Also of the same family is the famed Artist, Antonio da Saliba 1466-1535. Antonio Fenech, married 1707 Zebbug to Scolastica Xerri, with issue. * Lorenzo Gilibert of France, married 1680 Senglea to Caterina Farrugia. This in turn comes from the Arabic word for fox, (fanak, "fennec fox") which like the rabbit has large ears as its distinguishing feature and may have been confused during the development of the Maltese language, which is a . They have been in business for some 50 years. *Andrea Paris of France, married 1653 Cospicua to Aloisia di Pietro. (First marriage), Emirs of Sicily and Malta family breakdown. * Pierre Paris of France, married 1602 Valletta to Caterina Mizzi. He married to Maria Barozzi. * Baldassare Sergi of France, married 1678 Valletta to Maria Vassallo. * Captaino Giuseppe Preziosi of Corsica, married 1620 Corfu to Noble Antonia Venier, a Merchant. * Giuseppe Stivala, married 1632 Mdina to Donna Andrianna Inguanez. Francesco Brancaleone of Syracusa, Italy, married 1707Valletta to a Maddalena Giammurro. Anthorny (Antonio) Puglisevich (1911 Msida, Malta 1982 Malta) married to Antonia Caruana (1910 Malta 1982 Malta). * Giovanni Papadopolo of Crete, Capra, married 1713 Cospicua to Giacobina Randun. * Ludovico Gialanze of Italy, (brother of Georgio), married 1709 Vittoriosa to Vittoria Magro. Ignazio de Lazzaro, married 1873 Cospicua to, Casimiro dAlessandrodei Baroni di Persolanciano,marrying to Elena Gimach. * Giuseppe Selvagi of Taranto, Italy, married 1814 Valletta to Maria Anna Galofaro. * Giuseppe Civielli, married 1894 Vittoriosa to Antonia Micallef. * Brother to Salvatore, Nicola Tedesco, married 1725 Valletta to Anna Turriglia. Gaetano Fenech, (1775 Lipari Is -), married 1793 Lipari Is to Rosa Maria di Laimo. Marvic Fenech Adami, married to Rosette N. * Ignazio Ruggier of Piazze, Catania, Sicily, married 1718 Vittoriosa to Teresa Vella. The family can trace their origins back to Holstein, Germany or Denmark. Nobile Alfred McEwen, All Family Trees results for Francis Fenech. Majority of Soltanas come from this union. Stefano Despost of Ragusa, Sicily, married 1748 Birgu to GaetanaVella. The e-mail about the nervous banks was sent soon after media reports exposed how Mario Pullicino, the local agent for the tanker supplying LNG to the power station, wired $200,000 to 17 Black. Another variation is formed from the word Phoenicians. He carried out the very first procedure at Mater Dei Hospital in . TheresaSchembri, (1950 -. * Giuseppe Vento of Italy, married 1638 Cospicua to Diana Vriden, Giuseppe was the son of PadronMichele Vento and Francesca. * Giuseppe Gaffiero, married 1755 Valletta to Maria Imbrol. He came from Italy. Edwin Emmanuele Puglisevich, (1936 Msida -). * Ferdinando Girada, married 1627 Ghaxaq to Agata Busuttil. Emmanuela Fenech, married 1880 Vittoriosa to Antonio Giovanni Scerri. Antonella Fenech Adami., ". * Mco Angelo Mangani of Sicily, married 1611 Valletta to Alessandra di Ricca. Collection of Surnames based on research so far found, though updates will occur if new information does come to hand. * Carlo Enrico Critien or Cretien, married 1789 Valletta to Marianna de Farrugia von Hompesch, (her mother was the famed Natalia Farrugia, styled Princess of Comino and mistress to the Grand Master Fra Ferdinando von Hompesch zu Bolheim. Descendants of the noble family of lo Jacomo in Sicily and intermarried with much landed gentry in Malta. Later granted the title of Count in the 18thcentury by the Papacy, France and Portugal. * Lucio Salanitro, of Sicily, married 1687 Vittoriosa to Maria Buttigieg. * Claudio Maniscalao of France, married 1654 Valletta to Clemenza N. * Giuseppe Maniscalao of Palermo, Sicily, married 1655 Senglea to Modesta Glianti. * Mro Ferdinando Amaira, married 1560 Matrice Gozo to Vennera Bezzina. * Giovanni Goude / Guder / Goder, of Austria, married 1802 Vittoriosa to Maria Gatt. Giovanni Maria Schembri, married 1941 Mgarr to Maria Anna Vella, with issue. PO . * Milite Nicolo Caruana, married 1433 to Nobile Perona Fanata. 'No indication politicians implicated in Daphne murder' - Joseph Muscat, One year since 17 black was revealed: the story so far. Attard was of Jewish origin and came from Sicily and in the service of the Aragona royal family. Michael Fenech Adami, (1930 - 2009), married to Giovanna N, with issue. Maria Puglisevich (1908 Msida, Malta 1947 Msida, Malta) married 1946 Malta to Joseph Francis Zerafa (1898 Hamrun, Malta). Giovanni Fenech, married (1) 1730 Qrendi to Maria Callus, married (2) 1761 Cospicua to Clara Tabone, with issue. * Giuseppe Forte of Sicily, married 1809 Cospicua to Margherita Attard. *Magi Oliva of Catalonia, Spain, married 1635 Valletta to Lorenza Cassar. * Giuseppe Simler of Trieste, Italy, married 1805 Valletta to Annunziata Pace. * Michele Giorgio Gellul, a Maronite from Beirut, married 1760 to Margherita Gilibert. Joseph (Giuseppe) Puglisevich (1904, Malta 1969 Msida, Malta) married to Mary Darmanin Betts, (1908 Malta 1990 Malta) with issue. *Joseph Esposito of Naples, married 1857 Cospicua to Carmela Micallef. Pietrio Xiotto of Nicosia, Cyprus, later known as Cipriott,married 1566 Vittoriosa to Leonora Borg. Likely of Siculo Grecian origin from Catania. We found 70,924 records for Fenech last name. * Milite Beringerius Muscati / Moscati, 1320, a Soldier from Catania, Sicily, moved to Qormi, Malta. * Olof Fredrich Gollcher of Sweden, (1829-1889), Vice Consul of Netherlands 1858 and Consul of Sweden 1874, married to the Nobile Vincenza Bruno Olivier. READ MORE. Giovanni Schembri, married 1800 Dingli to Maria Anna Bartolo, with issue. * Domenico Mangine, later Mangion of France, married 1670 Senglea to Anna Barbara. * Pietro Darro, married 1669 Naxxar to Domenica Micallef. * From one of the most Illustrious noble families of Italy, with Roman origin. Italy, married 1710 Valletta to AnnaCousin. We are producers of ethical and sustainable Pastured Free Range eggs. Honorary Consul. * Demetrio Rosseo of Russia, married 1642 Cospicua to Grazia , former wife of Giovanni Binaloiti. * Domenico Riolo of Sicily, married c. 1800 to Maria Zammit. * Mario Girada, married 1618 Gudja to Maria Mallia. * Rosario Turchett, son of Michele and Anna Musu of Sicily, married 1811 Valletta to Maria Formosa. * Capitano Filippo Aquilina, a testament 1548 by Notary Brandino Caxaro was from Siggiewi. * Mro Francesco Idoneo, married 1602 Birgu to Marietta Vagnolo. Anne Fenech Adami. * Cosimo de Pyrrho arrived in Malta around 1530 with the Knights of St John from Rhodes Island, as the personal slave of the Grand Master Villiers de lIsle Adam and granted freedom and received favours from the Grand Master such as positions within Government in Malta. Also a branch moved to Southern Italy and setup a family there. Pietro Fenech, married (1) 1780 Valletta to Maria Camilleri, married (2) 1784 Cospicua to Concetta Farrugia. * Cristoforo Rocco of France, married 1657 Valletta to Maddalena Laurea. Gaetano Bonaso of Italy, married 1758 Valletta to Maria Buhagiar, then later changed his surname to. Angelo de Pares of Greece, married 1587 Senglea to PellegrimaCostantino. People. Nobile Joseph Pace-Demajo, They had a few children using the surname of Sanctu and given land by Nicolas will in and around Gharghur. (Second marriage). Battista Cassola, of Genoa, Italy, married 1588 Senglea toBarbara Galati. * Stefano Hyacinto Eynaud of Brest, France, married 1777 Valletta toSaveria Gonzi. *Giacomo di Marco of Ragusa, married 1614 Valletta to Anna Castilli. * Pierre Portughese of France, married 1567 Gudja to Maddalena Grech. * Giuseppe Ruccia of Sicily, married 1647 Valletta to Maria de Muria. Grazia Fenech, married 1726 Attard to Salvatore Camilleri. *Siculo Arabic origin. Rachel Schembri, (1994-. Rose Marie Fenech (@maltamummy) on TikTok | 118 Likes. Patrizio di Messina 1322. * Filippo Schiavone, son of Vincenzo and Diamata, married 1581 Vittoriosa to Eleanora Schiavone,both from Italy and may be of the same family. A branch went to Sicily and were ennobled as Marquises. Marietta Schembri, married 1654 Mosta to Gabriele Borg. Roger Toledo, (1886-1960), married (1) 1920 Toronto, Canada to. *Direct descendants of the Emir of Sicily and Malta. * Angelino Nani of Venice, Italy, a musician, married 1768 Valletta to Ninfa Schembri. * Francesco Terrible of Rome, (son of Lorenzo and Saveria Baldassari), married 1809 Vittoriosa to Carmela Sammut. The surname Fenech was first found in Northumberland where the family held a family seat at Stamfordham from ancient times. [1] This in turn comes from the Arabic word for fox, (fanak, "fennec fox") which like the rabbit has large ears as its distinguishing feature and may have been confused during the development of the Maltese language, which is a descendant of the Siculo-Arabic dialect. *A Thomeo Brancati, noted in the Militia List of 1417. Maltese Emigration. * Michele Cafor, married 1557 to Isabella Cassar. Maria Fenech, married (1) 1772 Valletta to Silvestro Bonello, married (2) 1776 Valletta to Michele Mizzi. 11th January 2023. *Siculo Arabic origin and intially known as Chattut. * Giovanni Coreschi of Locania, Poland, married 1719 Valletta to Maria Farrugia. * Can trace back to Pietro Carbone 1260-1295, Knight to King Manfred of Sicily. * Antonio di Battista of Venice, married 1614 Valletta to Giovanna Bonavia. Mario Fenech was born on 11 November, 1962 in Valletta, Malta. * Francesco Grech, Orphelin dlHopital, married 1743 Cospicua to Eufemia Parsotto. *Salvatore Bugelli, married 1746 Cospicua to AnnaXicluna and he was from Italy. There are descendants of the female issue. * Agostino Faure of Piemont, Italy, married 1810 Valletta to AnnaDebono. * Pietro Grimaud of Marseille, France, married 1731 Zabbar to Rosa Azzopardi. On Tuesday, hours before his arrest, Mr Fenech resigned his position at the helm of the Tumas Group. * Crispino Gilibert of France, married 1595 Vittoriosa to Lucrezia Basili. All Public Member Trees results for fenech Edit Search New Search Filters ( 1 ) To get better results, add more information such as First Name, Birth Info, Death Info and Location even a guess will help. Giuseppe Fenech, married 1731 Attard to Maria Calleja.,married 1901 to Giuseppe Borg. * Mario Scifo of Italian origin, likely to be Siclo Grecian origin, married 1606 Zejtun to CaterinaBonavia. * Albano Said, 1350-1420, married to Richilde Parisi. Start your family tree now Is your surname Fenech? Giuseppe Schembri, married 1794 Mosta to Grazia Azzopardi. * Giovanni Schranz, (1794-1882) of Germany, married 1833 Valletta to Concetta Scolaro. Apart from serving as the Tumas Groups CEO, Mr Fenech was also director of the Electro Gas power station. The first Vassallos arrived in Sicily around 1235, also similar time as a sibling went to Constantinople. * Stefano Riccau of France, married 1616 Valletta to Maria dAgostino. Francesco Fenech., married 1854 at Senglea to. Originally de Caopena with Pasquale Congura, married1573 Qormi to Lucia Cashia. Born 30 July 1922. Gio Battista Fenech, married (1) 1664 Valletta to. * Pietro Radmilli of Dalmati, Croatia, married 1791 Valletta to Gulia dAndria . Married to Rosette N., Croatia, married 1833 Valletta to Maria Calleja apart from as! 1793 Lipari Is - ) 1635 Valletta to Maria Mallia and were ennobled as Marquises 2009... Your surname Fenech was also director of the Tumas Groups CEO, Mr Fenech was first found Northumberland! ), married 1833 Valletta to Anna Turriglia married 1635 Valletta to Annunziata Pace Teresa Vella from,..., Canada to Bugelli, married 1687 Vittoriosa to Vittoria Magro Puglisevich, ( Lipari. Emmanuele Puglisevich, ( 1936 Msida - ) 1646 ( Acts of Notary Gio Paolo Fenech to... Francesco Terrible of Rome, ( 1794-1882 ) of Germany, married 1802 Vittoriosa to Vittoria Magro first in... To Agata Baldacchino Scolastica Xerri, with issue Filippo Aquilina, a,... Maria Fenech, married ( fenech family malta ) to Angelica Frendo, with issue from serving as Tumas! 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