The following visitation weekend, my son tried to take the puppy home in his bag to save it. My son is 21 years old now.. and of course his father wants those arrears for a child I have not seen since he was 3 years old. the non-custodial parent has court ordered visitation over the childs christmas break from school and the custodial wont send the child), what recourse does the non-custodial parent have? I have not been able to find any information on courts enforcing the obligation of custodial parents to actually help to provide for children. As the non-custodial parent, if I send my child back to the custodial parent when I know for certain that my child is being exposed to marijuana by not just the custodial parent but siblings as well, am I just as guilty? 06-2013 it took everything in me to forgive the possibility of David molesting Caleb, a. How can he defend himself against this witch (figuratively speaking)? Yes the police can force her back and will if he requests them to. In December she had another child (this is her 4th by 4 different babies daddys) and her latest babys daddy left her. He tried to commit suicide 7x. He lives in the town where the divorce was finalized. Even the judge. One of the motions that I consented to was that I would allow her to take our daughter out of the country to Peru for 2 weeks and that she agreed to let me to take my daughter out for her 3rd birthday on a Sunday with my family. I am the legal and residencial custodian of my 3yrs old daughter, her dad has been giving parent right, she has to sleep over his house every other weekend,and also see her every wednesday, My question is, does this mean he has shared parenting with me, and also do i need child services to inspect his home, to ensure my proper accomondation for the child? The longer you wait the harder your case will be to solve. My cousin is still out of the country with the child and never returned back to Arizona because of those malicious charges. Hi I like the womens rights for the sole purpose of true domestic violence cases in which they have special circumstances and need the extra help. there is no court appointed custody. Because thats exactly where he wants you. Also the neighborhood they live in is very dangerous, with 90 sex offenders within one mile of their home. I am married to a sex offender when we signed the papers for his father to have custodial rights I.was OK that he put that my husband could not be around during visitation. Also kids do not always know what is in their best intrest, pls help i have a 10 month old son me and my ex have joint custody but when its time for visitation she will not give him to me and she wont give up the car seat what can i do is this aginst the law in arizana. Not by choice; through ridiculous rulings by a commissioner acting as judge pro-tem. Im picking our son up on Friday after I get out of work. #3 If the child is not returned to you on Sunday, it will be your negligence and fault since that is your agreement and you have not given written and reasonable notice of the change. Being a relative of a child less than sixteen years old, intending to hold such child permanently or for a protracted period, and knowing that he has no legal right to do so, he takes or entices such child from his lawful custodian; or If shes crazy, let the court know youd like mediation, there are safe haven drop offs to transfer kids to, look it up on the net. You have an attorney and you know all the answers, so why are you on here spewing about him when he was good enough to be the father when you were together and now hes not? I have no idea what she is being told (this I am sure is for the most part her step-mother) or what is happening with her. This is not about you or him but about your children. Thats my suggestion. How can mom get thrown in jail for puting her childs health above dads visitation time rarely, yet fad walks around with a job not paying court ordered child support, a very low amount and not face and jail time or consequences? How do I get the police to see the severity of the situation? furthermore, in my state you would be entitled to make-up visitation time for the time you lost in the summer through no fault of your own. Can I file a complaint that charges her with Custodial Interference? What is the reason she doesnt want to talk to you? Whispher in her ear youll take her to Kings Island and she can take a freind or something else fun one time. Our kids have to know 50 sight words before entering the first day of school and 50 more the 1st semester. In includes discussion of the best interest of the child standard and other factors such as parental conduct the Court considers in making a custody determination. YOUR RIGHT ON THAT ONE! I went to his parents house and DONT let him kick you while youre down because hes laughing at you while youre hurting. When the couple was married and decided to have children, the state was not involved in how the child would be raised by two the two adults who consented to have children. Got fingerprints? If enough of these motions get filed, the court will see red flags & possibly change custody. Not during his parenting time, and one of my children is not his child. Thank you for your help. I am very grateful for the time. She and her family has completely cut O. Sr. from any contact or updates about O. Jr. what are my rights now that my daughter who has been misbehaving. things be the way it ought to be. let Mom love her kids. He is in contempt of court my dear, and you can file contempt yourself, attorneys (sorry to say) *in my opinion* just take your money and make the process take longer to get more money. YOU pick the child up until you get this completely worked out do not drag them into the process or your own confusion and fear, okay. The father of my god child is a liar, thief, manipulating, abusive both physically and mentally pretensious sperm donor. this is court ordered wit child support. Please remove any contact information or personal data from your feedback. like single mom that make family court a freaking JOKE. i seriously doubt any prosecutor would waste their time bringing charges. Under this federal law, which each state must adhear to, both parents must encourage the minor child to adhear to the order set forth (obiviously not telling them that only encouraging them to make it work until other arrangements can be made through the court system). Is there anything I can do to get the right to have my son after school since his father is still working?! I have contacted the local police, filed contempt and intereference of custody and am awaiting a hearing. Which I tried. I even attempted contacting my oldest daughters cell phone with no avail. We had a girl together our kids are always been brother sister and very close . On the old court order for child support it should show the % that both parents are responsible for, it may be like 50% each parent depending on how much each parent makes. "As a result, it follows that when there is a marriage between same-sex couples, the need for that second-parent adoption to, at the very least, confer legal parentage on the nonbiological parent is eliminated when the child is born of the marriage. Thank you Christine and her I ask her father did you give her the meds he replys no i dont think she needs it! Mom currently has no telephone and hubby is afraid all communication with daughter will cease if he sends her with mom. The Judge will be concerned about your daughters well-being, but if she will side with her Dad regardless, dont waste your time in court. methinks thee protesteth too much Please keep in mind, IF YOU GIVE UP THE FIGHT, YOU GIVE UP THE CHILDS WELFARE AS WELL! That place is for true kids with real mental problems, my son doesnt have that! Shes a lawyer with friends in high places in Mexico so how does my friend get her boy back? A lock icon ( Three (3) days later he pulls his normal Sociopath self and tells me I cant take our son now. She cant do that if you have an Order It has to be followed or you have to agree/negotiate another arrangement. do we have to make them go. The courts always go on the side of the women. only come back, the spell caster opened him up to know how much I loved Best of luck. Trust me you can get more time put in for a motion to change custody. My 4 year old step sons mother is out of control. And no i dont forget it when i know we are goin somewhere and yes i did count the diapers. It sounds like youre doing all youre supposed to, though. Tell him you want to support his relationship with our child and that you only want child support so you can provide for his child, what can he do, what can you work out. You will need to do all of this quick as the first one to do so gets precedence over the other parent and more than likely gets what they want unless it is off the wall. Once she violates that agreement, take her ass to court siting the failure of mediation. She comes up with excuses periodically to prevent my son from seeing his father. God can change things and make a way where there is no way. But then I have in text him re-submitting his ok. He emails me throughout the weekends and weeks that he does not have the child and I respond to him. Time and time again I see that children will, eventually, reject the parent that interfered with their relationship with the other parent. He claims that he believes Im not responsible enough because for all he knows I stay up late and go on dates instead of sleep because I forgot to give our sons teacher $4 one day when I picked our son up from school. So what am I supposed to do when my ex only has visitation every other weekend such as Saturday 9-5 and sunday 9-5 but then refuses to give her back to me and the cops say that cant do anything about it. police ? My ex is now claiming that to the schools that my children will be home tomorrow night due to Southwest problems and delays This was his intention all along and is a crock. But uses the child to get at my son smh wow. She had never been away from her family and mom over night. What a concept.! I just want know to can I get back to my children cause I has paper custody but my step sister name angel try stolen my children aways from me last sept 26 I pain heart crying I didnt seen my children for 3 months but my step sister let bring drop off home tome to me but she dont have full custody I has one full custody .. what you think should I do something, My daughter has physical custody, the father gets him every other weekend, this past weekend my grandchild was not returned, today is Wednesday still no word of where her son is or even he ok!! The dad also did that on Jan 14- this time he did not text, nor show up. The parents live in seperate states, the father picks up and drops off the children each summer. SHE is the MOM!!! If the custodial parent refuses to send the child to the non-custodial parent during the court appointed time (i.e. PLEASE HELP How are we to protect our children if the laws are not enforced. that way she will get to visit and you dont have to worry about her taking off with the child. I HAVE MY OWN REASONS FOR THIS ANSWER:(GOD BLESS THE KIDS. Im thinkin because his new gf may be pregnant he may all together walk away from my baby girl and i know she will suffer in the end for it but it may be a good thing, he has no contact with his one yr old either! ridiculous., Sorry Single Mom.. Yea, he does have to actually make an effort to drive to pick up his kid.. Perhaps the visit time is specific and SHE may be wasting a good portion of their visit time traveling in a car with dad rather than the visitation beginning after the mother dropped off the boy.. I have custody of my five year old daughter. Dont be vindictive. If this is import to you tell the other parent and if they deny you that opportunity then respect it. She is not responding to our requests. who think that they are above the law. A Motion of Contempt and Motion of Parental Interference. Also, a custodial parent who speaks poorly of a non-custodial parent and who convinces a child that spending time with the other parent is unwise may engage in parenting time interference or the serious problem of parental alienation syndrome. All my husband wants in the world is to be able to be with his two boys and she continues to act like an immature child and ILLEGALLY keep his children from him. What are my rights? If one cant afford the child support owed, better get another job, it was your decision to have a baby, and brought the child into the world, children dont ask to be brought into this world. I have sole legal physical custody of my son and I allowed him to go live with his dad and stepmom to attend a better school. Whoever, being a relative of a child less than eighteen years old, without lawful authority, holds or intends to hold such a child permanently or for a protracted period, or takes or entices such a child from his lawful custodian, or takes or entices from lawful custody any incompetent person or other person . Me and ex husband have been divorced now for 7 hrs we have joint legal custody. The officers come in, wake my kids up at 11pm to ask them questions. Again thank you CHRISTINE~!!! We had set up visitation of every other weekend. There is something wrong with this picture. The father doesnt have any money or gainful employment as far as I know. Thank you Fathers Rights for your comment. why wont they leave her alone? One time we ran out of court after her just so he could tell her he loves her and she acted like he was a monster. Well I had made my mind up that I wasnt goping to give up anymore of my time with her. He has some signs of being Bi-Polar but hasnt been diagnosed. Long story short , Now in 2014 he called cps on me. I had a nervous breakdown. People are so mean!! He has all the vehicles and will not let me have one, hasnt helped with any support, will not communicate with me about our daughter or any other matter. I have a question, me and my ex have no parenting plan in place, we have agreed times of visitation i have had the majority of time like 70-30 So what if the father can or can not got to pick up the child. I let it go. My son even joined in the manipulation by friending me on FB just to block me three months later two weeks after that i received paperwork for court so now I know it was just to get information. One important source of information is the report of the court investigator, because it provides the court with useful information that otherwise may not be presented by any of the parties in the proceedings. He recently took the children and refuses to return them. The judge didnt care and didnt listen or take anything logical into consideration. What would happen if this 14 year old refused to go with her mother. In order to emancipate from a parent/court order a child must be able to articulate the reason for doing so. I have residential and shared custody with my daughter and my grandsons father. My girlfriend has her daughter 4 days a week and her ex has her 3 days a week. She says he needs to be, how when mandated chaparon has a life to negotiate around and she makes plans for the child to interfere with consistency. Especially the child with asthma? Regardless of whether you're married or unmarried, you may also need to file: You'll also need to filea fee for the sheriff or constable, which varies. Why do you not have a domestic violence restraining order? He said, ok. My son lives in Frenck Lick Indiana and I was wondering if I can file a motion myself in family court for visits and represent myself? Custodial interference can also be temporary. children, by interrogating them trying to find the truth. Does the court order state shame on her. I have raised my two children since birth and never relinquished my parental rights. I know you probably heard that other places and are repeating it, but its disgusting and it makes women sound like whores and idiots, because they are calling themselves sperm banks when they say that men/fathers are just sperm donors. I need answers on what to do now. The father bought her a car, paid 3 months for an apartment for her besides taking care of his little boys financial needs and also making sure the visitation was agreeable with the mother! The fact that the childs mother is now homelessthe father now has the ability to go to court and claim himself as the more fit parent. I just wish there was something i could do. He got mad, left said he was 18, and was going to his dads. if she is not specified in the visitation order, then no. The courts in Florida shifted the case and by the time it was heard the kids were gone for a year and the judge acknowledged she broke the law but wasnt going to do a thing about it. My husband has joint legal custody of his 2 young sons. The state of Florida, unlike most states has Legal Aid (all states offer legal aid but each states definition is different). If a parent moves out of state with a minor child, it can interfere with the other parents visitation. I was an undiagnosed diabetic. My problem is he wants to take him out of state for a week before Christmas and has promised (via text) that he would have him back by Christmas Eve. Our society needs to stop and realize our children need love. My 17 is refusing to go back to her dads in california. I would not want my child in a situation like that. 45-5-304. Angela and Metgel, You are ABSOLUTELY SO CORRECTO. Will I be in legal violation if I keep the father from seeing my daughter due to his neglectful behavior? If the court order for me to allow him to take her would I get in trouble if I refuse to let him take her? Our son (age 7) was born in Wyoming but lives with his mother in Colorado. You should try!! Custodial Interference in the second degree applies where a parent or relative of a child takes or conceals a child without the intent to hold the child for a long period of time, or in a manner that does cause substantial risk of illness or physical injury to the child. My ex Mother in law has custody of my two children when the court This is true but only because she has not allowed me to see or speak to my children. He wants to have a relationship with his kids and he deserves this as do the kids. they wont do anything. Youre welcome. You will put the parent on the drop-off/pick-up list at the school, give them the appropriate information and supplies for school, etc. What can I do? That should be up to the parents to work out, outside of an adversarial courtroom. My ex ask to have my daughter a party I let him have her on a Friday night that was my night and the party was over Saturday at 10am which is my day and I want to get her he refused to give her to me I call the cops because I had my custody agreement they wouldnt do a thing is how could I pass charges against him to not following the court order. Keep Tryin! Tonight he did this for 2nd time. To answer your question, the police cannot get involved in the case as it is a civil case to be decided by the courts. He told my daughter that now, shes not getting her daughter back at all! My husband brought her with them to care for our son. I havent heard from them but her father and i agreed to keep her with him due to school. In addition, for past 3 years.everytime she comes home shes in tears (countless recorded video/convo).he never wants to go back because hes mean to her. It was 10 till 4pm when they said he was there. The following day, we met with a CPS investigator and when we were ready to leave, he informed me that my child didnt have any injuries except those which were consistent with the bicycle wreck his dad claimed he had been in; as well as that his dad had accidently flicked a cigarette at him and it had burned through his shirt and onto his stomach. I had no idea that she went on this cruise. 2 months before she left the hotwater heater quit working and had it replaced and stuck me with the bill. He has filed for joint custody, but the trial is not until September. If so SHAME ON YOU! Sorry Im just so sad that Im being bullied around for nothing. | Disclaimer. The court sees you as another file folder on their desk and they want you out of there as fast as they can get rid of you. I dont think its right at all to make a child do something they do not want to do. My friend has a son who went to Mexico to visit family(fathers sister) when it came time to return him she refused. #1 If the other parent is not cooperating verbally send email, snail mail and phone call with what I wrote above or similar so you have written notice of your inability to keep YOUR word and agreement. The worst thing about it is THIS CASE to be held in Florida under UCCJEA laws, but again this does not matter to a single court. An analysis of FBI child-abduction investigations in the past 3 fiscal years (FY) indicated that custodial-motivated abductions have increased from 9 percent in FY 2010 to 50 percent in FY 2012. This is legal correct? If you are have you told a counselor or teacher or someone about what is going on and has it been witnessed by someone else other than your mom? I moved hrrenin april and the kids and him came at the end of may. Yet we fear that when we go to court in 2 weeks, the court will side with her because she is the mother. 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