List 2 to 3 Specific Examples of . Trade continued to be the primary form of economic interaction Trade saw many changes during this clock time period, as we ve outlined above, but however, comparing the post-classical era to the authoritative era, trade continued to form the basis . Although The Silk Roads patterns of interaction changed between 200 BC and 1450 AD, continuity remained in that the Silk Road continued to trade the same sort of items and continued to fulfill its purpose adequately. New parturiency systems began to be used, some coerced, such as the encomienda and mita systems and finally the use of chattel slavery, with the beginning slaves landing on the mainland Americas in 1619. african slaves and native Americans were used chiefly for the cultivation of cash crops, which were able to be made the most profitable crops on earth. Behind the Masks, The Politics of Carnival. These changes are important because the growth of city-states occurred due to this network. Mali and it mho capital city Timbuktu unified the Sahara and created the Trans-Saharan Trade Route. Muslim rule expanded to many parts of Afro-Eurasia due to military expansion, and Islam subsequently expanded through the activities of merchants, missionaries, and Sufis. Substantial changes took place in East Africa in between 600 and 1450. Pastoral peoples in Eurasia built powerful and distinctive empires that integrated people and institutions from both the pastoral and agrarian worlds. The major world powers come from places you might not expect. Maritime empires emerged as the Portuguese and Dutch created port city empires and the French and British developed large colonies around the world Mercantilism and capitalism emerged as states, businesses, and individuals sought wealth by conquest and new forms of business ventures like joint-stock companies Unlike the by and large land based empires of the post-classical earned run average, the early modern era was marked by maritime empires, that is, empires that were spread oversea. This marked a more widespread amount of Islam coming into India. Asking about continuities in your personality and your life is harder. however, empires like Russia, Japan, Ottoman, and Qing were forced to industrialize in ordain to continue to be politically and economically relevant. Ideas were a hot commodity between 200 BC and 1450 AD, and the Silk Road acted as a hub for the dissemination of ideas, which stretched across almost the entire known world. Mercantilism became the diagnose of the game economically speaking New social structures emerged in Latin America as Spanish, Native Americans, and Africans of pure and mix-blood formed new social castes The casta system saw Peninsulares ( European-born Europeans ), Creoles ( American-born european origin ), Mestizos ( Mix European-Native ), Mulatoes ( Mix European-African ), Natives, and Africans hold a rigid socio-economic order based on the level of mix-blood. The beliefs and practices of Islam reflected interactions among Jews, Christians, and Zoroastrians with the local Arabian Peoples. Specifically the increase of slave trade and better more useful technologies through the Indian Ocean Trade Network. Example: *Although* I don't consider *myself* a chronic television viewer or an avid radio listener, I have certainly enjoyed my visit to the Museum of Television and Radio. Strong military - employed use of slaves into military, Islam stressed the value of knowledge - House of Wisdom in Baghdad is example, concept of modern libraries, Translated Greek works of literature and teachings of Aristotle; other works from the ancient world survived due to Islam, Art and architecture forbid the use of images - focus was on geometric patterns and calligraphy, Universities set up to study science, chemistry, astronomy, mathematics, physics and medicine, Increase in use of trade route during this period (began to use route at end of previous era), Use of camels, caravans, Berber traders increased contact with Muslims - connected West Africa with Muslim world and beyond, SSA had lots of gold, little salt - Mediterranean had little gold, lots of salt, Led to increase in wealth of Ghana, which controlled the gold trade coming from the south, Ghana provided ivory, slaves, horses, cloth and salt - Kings converted to Islam in 900s, Mali absorbed Ghana and controlled all trade into Sub-Saharan Africa, Mansa Musa makes pilgrimage to Mecca using route, Major cities on route included Timbuktu and Gao, Linked China, India, Southeast Asia, Arabia and East Africa, Volume increased as a result of decline of overland routes, Safe environment for markets, welcomed all merchants, and charged reasonable fees, Magnetic compass spread from China and led to increase in maritime trade and exploration, Continued to be used and saw the most volume during this period, Bubonic plague spread over Silk Roads and led to decrease in its use, Serfdom in Europe - peasants have right to work land, but not leave land, Stricter, Theravada spread into Southeast Asia; Mahayana into central Asia and China, Buddhist traveled on Silk Roads and adapted to polytheism, Tibet, Buddhist become popular - combined shamanism with importance of rituals, Monks, merchants and missionaries adapted Buddhism to political ideas of Confucianism and Daoism, Appealed to people as an avenue to personal salvation, Chinese Buddhism spreads into Korea, then Japan (blended with Shinto beliefs), Able to merge with local beliefs due to lack of organized church, Missionary religion from the start - like Buddhism, After fall of Roman Empire, missionaries spread religion to Northern Europe, Pope sponsored missionary campaigns to convert Germanic people, Eastern Orthodox Church spreads Christianity into Eastern Europe and Russia, Syncretism - Pagan heroes or holy figures incorporated as saints; Winter Solstice celebration became Christmas, Nestorian Christianity spread into Persia - allowed by Islamic conquerors, Received little or no support in East Asia, Jesuit Missionaries - Matteo Ricci attempts to spread religion into China, Spread through military conquest, trade and missionaries, Sufis spread Islam into Southeast Asia, Southern Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia and India, In SSA, introduced Islam to ruling class trough trade - allowed syncretism, China's expansion - expanded their influence into Vietnam, Tibet, Korea and Japan. Buddhism began in China and made its way through the Middle East and into Europe with the help of the Silk Road. 1200-1450 Changes Increase of trade along the Silk Road because of Mongol conquests and because of new stable powers The Mongols were a mobile tribe originating from modern day Mongolia who quickly spanned across closely all of Eurasia, stretching from the Middle East to the easterly coast of China. ), Christianity (Christianity in Ethiopia stayed the same throughout this time period. many comparisons can be drawn between Buddhism and Christianity, which are both religions that spread throughout this period. ), Trade with Mesoamerica (throughout the post-classical period, trade with Mesoamericans evolved greatly), Isolation from Global Networks (They stayed seperate from the rest of the world (other than the americas) throughout the entire post-classical period), Aztec and Incan Empires (evolved from earlier mesoamerican civilizations), Isolation from global trade networks (Remained isolated from trade with the rest of the world throughout the post-classical period), Vocabulary for Achievement: Fourth Course, Harold Levine, Norman Levine, Robert T. Levine. Patriarchy continued, however (see above). Freemanpedia. Revolutions in Latin America led by Simn Bolvar led to many new independent states in Latin America. Specifically the increase of slave trade and better more useful technologies through the Indian Ocean Trade Network. God bless. Power structures in the advanced earned run average typically were marked by either monarchies or emperors, with constitutional monarchs coming in through revolutions. They helped to lead to higher wages, better working conditions, and better hours for workers. These modifications are essential since the growth of city-states occurred due to this network. politically, the empire used the tribute system, where smaller conquered areas paid protection for auspices. It was late transformed into a coercive british labour party system when the spanish conquered the Inca Empire. The Aztecs are known specially for their computer architecture, such as pyramids and sacrificial/monumental architecture. multinational movements besides grew, such as the Quebecois motion in Canada, and Pan-Arabism and Pan-Africanism in Africa and the Middle East. India is an important exercise of decolonization that you must know. In the Western Roman Empire, the fall of the west left a power vacuum that set the stage for the rise of fragmented regional kingdoms. B. In Africa, decolonization was widespread. These empires normally crusade and competed for power, such as in the Battle of Chaldiran. It was designed to keep citizens in there specific class and allowed for no movement. One of the most famous wars in this time was the war which started in 1600 and lasted around 30 years and its called The Thirty Years War. Though some opportunities existed for women to earn economic and political power, it lacked any classify of consistency . Was the major city for the Mexica people. The church remained a major influence on the people of Europe and the majority of the region continued to believe every single thing that the church preached. Views look northwest. China's influence on the surrounding areas - Promoted the spread of Buddhism into Korea, Japan and Vietnam. The Baghdad House of Wisdom is a celebrated model of academics and intellectualism in Dar-al-Islam, such as new innovations in algebra and trigonometry. Bibliography of Ethnologue Data Sources Ethnologue. How have you changed since you were younger ? Japanese Shogunate (The Shogunate in Japan did not rule at first but did catch on and eventually they were the ruling class. These changesare important because the growth of city-states occurred due to this network. The columbian Exchange describes the diffusion of people, food, animals, and notably disease across the Atlantic Ocean both from Europe to the Americas and from the Americas to Europe. The Spanish established two centers of authority. gWas controlled by warlords, but the Song emperor Song Taizu brought them under his control. maintained a focus on the family and relationships, Under Tang, Buddhism influenced Confucianism, leading to Neo-Confucianism, Civil service exam based on Neo-Confucian teachings - stressing self-discipline, filial piety and obedience to rulers, Rise of the Aztec (See summary at top of page), Rise of the Inca (See summary at top of page), After fall of Western Roman Empire, Europe lacked central authority, Attempts at centralization - Franks under Clovis and Carolingian empire of Charlemagne, Franks used Church to strengthen their legitimacy, Feudalism developed - vassals exchange military service and loyalty for land; lords and vassals compete for power - central authority is weak, Catholic Church was cultural unifier - centralized belief, By 13th century - Church owned one third of land in Western Europe, Feudal states were the only way to defend against invaders, Eastern Orthodox Church under the Patriarch of Constantinople, Roman Catholic Church under the Bishop of Rome (The Pope), Increase in food production due to heavy plow leads to population growth. The Incas used the mita system, a system established by the Inca Empire in regulate to construct buildings or create roads throughout the empire. I have a WHAP assignment due tomorrow and I'm mentally just stuck. AP World History post classical era (600-1450) changes and continuities! Rise of Islam 622 MAde the Middle East into a major trade center and grew to be a major empire. It reached its greatest height during the Mongol Peace (c. 1260 -1368 CE), under the rule of the nomadic Mongols, West Africa traded with other parts of the Muslim world in a trans-Saharan network, Merchants from China, India, and Southeast Asia could trade with those from Arabia and East Africa via the Indian Ocean, Europe accessed goods from Asia and the Muslim world via the Mediterranean Sea, Thanks to these expanded networks, foreign merchants set up communities in cities along trade routes, thereby facilitating greater cultural exchange, Muslim merchants lived in the Indian Ocean region, Chinese merchants lived in Southeast Asia, and Jewish merchants lived in the Mediterranean region, Improved trade and communication networks encouraged the spread of religions, through conquest, missionaries, or cross-cultural exchange, Islam had spread across Arabia by the time of Muhammad's death (632 CE), and two subsequent caliphates, or political and religious dynasties, conquered further territory in North Africa, West Asia, Spain, and the Middle East by 1517 CE, Under the caliphates, all cultures were tolerated as long as they obeyed the rules of Islam, thus encouraging its spread, Despite fighting between the caliphates and eventual political decline, Islam provided a cultural bond between Islamic-controlled regions, After 900 CE, Islam spread to southern Europe, central and southeast Asia, sub-Saharan and east Africa through missionaries and trade, and Islamic traditions often mixed with local culture, Buddhism spread to southeast Asia and central Asia through missionaries, but it often adapted to local customs and mixed with other traditions, In east Asia, for example, Buddhism mixed with Confucianism to include ancestor worship and a focus on family, Christianity spread through missionaries as well, after the church split into two factions in 1054, The western church sponsored missionary campaigns in western Europe, while the eastern church spread to eastern Europe and Russia, Syncretism, or the combination of differing systems of belief, encouraged the further spread of Christianity as pagan traditions mixed with Christian beliefs. Prior to 1200, the Silk Roads were generally dangerous and not adenine booming as growing sea trade like in the indian Ocean. Wars such as the Anglo-Zulu War and the Boer War besides occurred. Environmental concerns increase as the developing world industrializes, agri-business use more land, and the global population increases As scientific technology, specially engineering related to farming and agri-business, humans began breaking down the environment around them, leading to things like global climate change and desertification. Islam Moves West Religious Change in the First and Second. C. Some states synthesized local and borrowed traditions (Persian traditions that influenced Islamic States,Chinese traditions that influenced Japan). This organization took Christian boys, converted them, and turned them into a bombastic crusade force for the Ottoman Empire. GMOs plants, animals or microorganisms whose genetic fabric has been altered in a means that does not occur naturally. Post-Classical (600 CE to 1450 CE) Freemanpedia The Classical Era set the scene. Improved transportation technologies and commercial practices led to an increased volume of trade, and expanded the geographical range of existing and newly active trade networks. Some still have a love for Star Wars movies while others will constantly want to play a pick-up crippled of basketball. Alhambra ("The Red One") is the most famous piece of Islamic architecture in Spain. Cultural change. Watch the AP World History 5-Hour Cram Finale for a comprehensive last minute cram school term covering the stallion WHAP course of study including every unit, every prison term period, and every type of interview you will come against during the examination . In fact, Mali was one of the most affluent nations in all of history, with Mansa Musa, a Mali king, being the most affluent person in all of human history. The Aztecs and Inca emerged as large empires in Mesoamerica and South America, respectfully Before their eventual conquest by the spanish Conquistadors, the Aztecs and Inca were large, thriving empires that united the peoples of Mesoamerica and South America politically, economically, and socially. either had been discovered or were aided by discoveries that had been made in the Islamic World in former years ). This was one of the first buildings to use buttresses to displace the weight of the roof outward. Islam was spread much in the same way, through Silk Road merchants. culturally, new global popular culture grew, such as reggae, bollywood, the olympics, and the World Cup. AP World History has had a rich history of asking students to write CCOT essays and use the skills in attacking stimulus-based multiple-choice questions . Trade was protected from the Mediterranean to the South China Sea. B. Byzantine trade networks (connected Eastern Europe to the rest of the Eurasian land-mass. INTRODUCTION. In some places, new political entities emerged, including those developed in various Islamic states,the Mongol Khanates, new Hindu and Buddhist states in South, East, and Southeast Asia;city-states (Italian Peninsula,East Africa, Southeast Asia), and decentralized government (feudalism) in Europe and Japan. Maritime trade in the Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Arabian Sea, and Indian Ocean increased. This started one of the largest epidemics in history. Decline of Feudalism (many lords lost power as nation states were on the rise. Extremely helpful in formulating my thesis for my CCOT essay. In their most famous church (see Hagia Sophia from the last era) they put up a mosaic of Jesus. We look for how religion continued to play a function in peoples lives, how societies continued to be patriarchal, and how ideas like shore leave and exemption persevere. 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